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Fish Share


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Because I am not greedy I want to share with the rest of you fellow sharks a list if some very poor players I have found. These players have increase my bankroll by 109% in just 4 hours, they all play on the Boss Media network and to be honest they are the worst players I have ever seen playing at $0.12 - $0.25 NLH. The purpose of this thread is to try and share a bit of fish knowledge around PL and to help each other take down a few big pots! **FISH**

  • Freddy011
  • jchnusa07
  • bwith
  • redif
  • Willep85
  • cic71
  • youbiaowin - (robilaruk)
  • ff7 - (robilaruk)
  • PeterAS - (robilaruk)
  • drhaus - (Morlspin)

**ROCKS** Speargun **Remember caps are important when searching** Good luck fellow PL members, got a feeling ur not gonna need it against this lot tho!!! If you find any suspect players please put them on this list.

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Re: Fish Share LOL have been playing willep85 myself this afternoon and would agree he is loose will dig out my notes later and post a few names (after LoTR finishes) Damo ps Dan - what is your username on boss?

Because I am not greedy I want to share with the rest of you fellow sharks a list if some very poor players I have found. These players have increase my bankroll by 109% in just 4 hours, they all play on the Boss Media network and to be honest they are the worst players I have ever seen playing at $0.12 - $0.25 NLH. The purpose of this thread is to try and share a bit of fish knowledge around PL and to help each other take down a few big pots!
  • Freddy011
  • jchnusa07
  • bwith
  • redif
  • Willep85
  • cic71

**Remember caps are important when searching** Good luck fellow PL members, got a feeling ur not gonna need it against this lot tho!!! If you find any suspect players please put them on this list.

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Re: Fish Share Danjel_20, although I think I should keep that quiet now after I just embarrased myself against a few PL players (Spiersey85 on Virgin. I have got my account from $0 to $220 playing against the people in the list above, I have another one who is very bad but he is all mine. I saw him lose a pot earlier worth 800 Euros and he was just calling with Ace high. :)

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Re: Fish Share a couple from today - tricky to know if they are regular fish or just on tilt/in a gambling mood etc youbiaowin - seems poor, splashing around PF and flop and then folding turn/river ff7 - loose PF (calls 8BB raises) and always calls a continuation bet on the flop - seems to be a calling station to the river if he has a pair on the flop, so worth value betting against him if you hit PeterAS - aggressive PF - his range is pretty big, so your marginal hands go up in value - always continuation bets - so if you hit, just CR Damo

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