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Help Needed at Dusk to Dawn Poker Club


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Has you know Nottingham is hopefully opening a top class poker club called Dusk to Dawn,but it looks like the casinos in Nottingham is not allowing this to happen. HAVE YOUR SAY AT THE HEARING!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Thanks very much to all of you who’ve already submitted your comments in support of Dusk Till Dawn’s court hearing for a Casino Licence on the 24th September 2007. We now have only 3 DAYS TO GO before we are required to submit all of our evidence so, if you’ve not done already, please reply to [email protected] with your words of support. Every comment is one step further to opening the doors to the largest poker room in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Europe!

Although the Club will be a dedicated poker-only club(no blackjack, roulette etc), UK law currently states that we must have a full casino licence to open. At the hearing DTD must prove that there is sufficient demand for playing pokeroutside of a casino environment. We have the UK Gambling Commission's consent and support, but there is very strong opposition from 3 casino companies, who firmly believe that DTD should not be granted the licence. We respect the Casinos' reasons and motives for this, but the Magistrates should know what the poker community thinks before they make their decision. We will supply the
Magistrates Court
with your unedited comments, in favour of Dusk Till Dawn or not. We have untilMONDAY 13THto submit these comments as evidence. Please reply to this email with either:

"I would like to play poker at Dusk Till Dawn because........................"

or "I would NOT like to play poker at Dusk Till Dawn because................." Feel free to leave your post anonymously or put your real name, occupation and town of residence.

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Yours sincerely,

Rob Yong

Managing DirectorDusk Till Dawn If anybody wants to show there support to dusk to dawn ,please reply to the email
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