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Omaha Hi-Lo - Top Pair, Top Kicker + Nut Flush and Inside Straight Draw


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Carribean seems fairly loose, I've had a good run of cards and have worked my way up from $139 to $306 in 15 mins, not taking any significant losses during that time. Is the raise right? What should I do with his reraise? Game #5339775014: Omaha H/L PL ($1/$2) - 2007/08/07 - 23:45:48 (UK) Table "Amesjones" Seat 10 is the button. Seat 5: Carribean ($107.42 in chips) Seat 6: Jadedj ($306.61 in chips) Seat 10: Hendrick5 ($199 in chips) Carribean: posts small blind $1 Jadedj: posts big blind $2 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to Jadedj [7s Ac 4c 5s] Hendrick5: folds Carribean: calls $1 Jadedj: raises to $6 Carribean: calls $4 ----- FLOP ----- [7d 6c 2c] Carribean: checks Jadedj: bets $8 Carribean: raises to $36

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Re: Omaha Hi-Lo - Top Pair, Top Kicker + Nut Flush and Inside Straight Draw The only hand you are really afraid of is A3 since that reduces you to half the pot straight away, and you're possibly going to get out drawn for the high (if not already beaten and you miss). Since you have him pegged as a loose player I personally would push all-in in this position, although I assume since your posting it here he has the A3 and beat you for the high as well come the river.

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Re: Omaha Hi-Lo - Top Pair, Top Kicker + Nut Flush and Inside Straight Draw Short handed omaha hi/lo, not for the faint hearted. Flat call the reraise, check the turn if you dont hit and fold to anything you feel you arent getting the correct odds too call to if he bets big on turn. Mind you as my attempt to turn $50 into a big enough bankroll to win the 2008 or 2009 wsop hi/lo lasted all of 3 hours I might be wrong.

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Re: Omaha Hi-Lo - Top Pair, Top Kicker + Nut Flush and Inside Straight Draw Another of those amazing questions that crop up in poker. As I see it you have 9 clubs for the nut flush, 3 remaining 3s for the straight and also one remaining 7 for what may possibly be winning trips. A nice handful of outs there then. If this were Omaha High then there would be no option but to get stuck in. One of the 3s will also give you the low, or you may already have that tied up and I think this is where the decision should lie: If you are certain that he does not hold A3 then you can bet away assured that the low is yours. If you think he probably has A3 then you are playing for half the pot and could get in deep poo if carrying on. Reading between the lines, as it were, you have found it easy to make money on this table so you have 2 options... 1...Take him on, if you lose you will soon recoup the money. 2...Get out now and wait for a made hand without so many dangers. OK then, that has took me ten minutes to think through and I am sat here getting huge splinters up my @rse...but at the tables you may have only 20 seconds or so. Gut instinct kicks in and your decision must be made on the information you can chew over in that oh so short a time. Myself I think it would be 50% fold, 50% call. Jaded, being a quite unique type of player, may be 20% fold, 80% call (or are you thinking another pot raise???:loon)...whatever you did, I hope the PokerGods were with you this time!

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Re: Omaha Hi-Lo - Top Pair, Top Kicker + Nut Flush and Inside Straight Draw Is it crap to admit I've lost the hand history and can't remember what he had?! I won it, anyway, following mcgin's school of thought and shoving the pot here. Fairly sure he called and turned over something absolutely ridiculous, maybe KQJT?

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Re: Omaha Hi-Lo - Top Pair, Top Kicker + Nut Flush and Inside Straight Draw i think id be shoving here,you will have the lo if a ace hits if he only has a3 so thats 7outs even if he does have it ,and with so many high outs this looks pretty unfoldable:ok just gotta hope he hasn't got a345.

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