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Lost 2 buy-ins tonight. Were they avoidable?


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First one here: 0.25/0.50 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 07 August 2007 22:25:57 Turbo TH 117 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: thehornet1 (39.82) Seat 2: Miss10min (35.25) Seat 3: dutzz (47.75) Seat 4: -Raipe- (54.65) Seat 5: humseper11 (49.50) Seat 6: Blacky_78 (50.50) Seat 7: woffar (126.45) Seat 8: reraiseXX (57.15) Seat 9: Ahmed1 (68.07) Seat 10: -Niko- (163.17) Ahmed1 post SB 0.25 -Niko- post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** thehornet1 [As, 9s] Miss10min [N/A, N/A] dutzz [N/A, N/A] -Raipe- [N/A, N/A] humseper11 [N/A, N/A] Blacky_78 [N/A, N/A] woffar [N/A, N/A] reraiseXX [N/A, N/A] Ahmed1 [N/A, N/A] -Niko- [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** thehornet1 Call 0.50 Miss10min Fold dutzz Fold -Raipe- Fold humseper11 Fold Blacky_78 Raise to 2.50 woffar Fold reraiseXX Fold Ahmed1 Fold -Niko- Fold thehornet1 Call 2.50 *** Flop(Board): *** : [9d, 5h, Ac] *** Bet Round 2 *** thehornet1 Check Blacky_78 Bet 2.50 thehornet1 Call 2.50 *** Turn(Board): *** : [9d, 5h, Ac, 4c] *** Bet Round 3 *** thehornet1 Check Blacky_78 Bet 4.00 thehornet1 Raise to 11.50 Blacky_78 Call 11.50 *** River(Board): *** : [9d, 5h, Ac, 4c, Kh] *** Bet Round 4 *** thehornet1 Bet 14.00 Blacky_78 Raise to 29.00 thehornet1 All-in 23.32 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 77.39 thehornet1 [As, 9s] Two pair aces and nines Win: 0.00 Miss10min Fold Win: 0.00 dutzz Fold Win: 0.00 -Raipe- Fold Win: 0.00 humseper11 Fold Win: 0.00 Blacky_78 [Ks, Ad] Two pair aces and kings Win: 77.39 woffar Fold Win: 0.00 reraiseXX Fold Win: 0.00 Ahmed1 Fold Win: 0.00 I should have raised on the flop or potentially not have been involved at all!! Thoughts please?

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Re: Lost 2 buy-ins tonight. Were they avoidable? Second one here (though it was he first in real time) ***** Hand 711534831 ***** 0.25/0.50 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 07 August 2007 21:37:34 Turbo TH 117 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: thehornet1 (50.00) Seat 2: Miss10min (39.20) Seat 3: Fisksimon (54.30) Seat 4: -Raipe- (57.35) Seat 5: makezka (50.00) Seat 6: Blacky_78 (52.20) Seat 7: woffar (72.15) Seat 8: allrounde4 (49.05) Seat 9: Ahmed1 (30.27) Seat 10: -Niko- (56.32) Ahmed1 post SB 0.25 -Niko- post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** thehornet1 [Qs, Ad] Miss10min [N/A, N/A] Fisksimon [N/A, N/A] -Raipe- [N/A, N/A] makezka [N/A, N/A] Blacky_78 [N/A, N/A] woffar [N/A, N/A] allrounde4 [N/A, N/A] Ahmed1 [N/A, N/A] -Niko- [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** thehornet1 Raise to 1.50 Miss10min Fold Fisksimon Fold -Raipe- Fold makezka Fold Blacky_78 Fold woffar Call 1.50 allrounde4 Fold Ahmed1 Fold -Niko- Call 1.50 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Qh, 4c, 3d] *** Bet Round 2 *** -Niko- Check thehornet1 Bet 3.50 woffar Call 3.50 -Niko- Call 3.50 *** Turn(Board): *** : [Qh, 4c, 3d, Qd] *** Bet Round 3 *** -Niko- Check thehornet1 Bet 5.00 woffar Call 5.00 -Niko- Raise to 24.00 thehornet1 Call 24.00 woffar Call 24.00 *** River(Board): *** : [Qh, 4c, 3d, Qd, 7h] *** Bet Round 4 *** -Niko- All-in 27.32 thehornet1 All-in 21.00 woffar Call 27.32 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 159.89 thehornet1 [Qs, Ad] Three of a kind, queens Win: 0.00 Miss10min Fold Win: 0.00 Fisksimon Fold Win: 0.00 -Raipe- Fold Win: 0.00 makezka Fold Win: 0.00 Blacky_78 Fold Win: 0.00 woffar Fold Win: 0.00 allrounde4 Fold Win: 0.00 Ahmed1 Fold Win: 0.00 -Niko- [3h, 3s] Full house Win: 159 Again what did I do wrong?

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Re: Lost 2 buy-ins tonight. Were they avoidable? The first hand I'm re-raising, why flat call you're probaly ahead but yoiu need to charge him a price to call. When the club then comes on the turn I'd jam the pot but at this level with top pair top kicker he'd probably call. The second hand the bet on the flop is correct, and when you get 2 callers alarm bells should start ringing. If the turn card was different then maybe you could have got away from it, but with the turn the Q I'm afraid you were destined to go broke. Chin up old chap:ok.

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Re: Lost 2 buy-ins tonight. Were they avoidable? 1 hand, as you say its a borderline call preflop to begin with, but i think its ok to call. I don´t like your check call on the flop, not because I affraid he will catch up, villain only have 3 outs if he have a stronger A, but since there is no draws on the flop, he will know that when you raise on turn you are either on a bluff, or have him beat, so you risc that he fold to your raise. I would leade out. Since he did call you know he must have AK/AQ/99 (maybe AJ), I think against some opponents if will be right to let the hand go to the reraise on the river, because they wouldn`t reraise there with AQ/AJ despite of the the huge potodds. But I can´t really say if it is right here, without a read on villain. 2 hand, what can they call your flop bet with? Qx 44 33, 43s 65s. on the turn you bet 5, I think thats a weird betseize, a player with 43s knows his hand is dead now, after the second Q on the turn. Against 65s your bet is to small, there is already over $ 15 in the pot and you let such a player drawing to his 8 outs for only 5 more thats to little, since thinking of implied odds, he knows that if he hits his 7 or 2 on river he will be likely to be get more money on the river. Against 44/33 its best to check and hope to catch you 7 outer to a bigger fullhouse/quads. Against KQ QJs QTs I think the bet is to small too, they will pay even if you bet 10-12. So I think your bet is neither here or there. Either say I don`t belive anybody got 44/33, and make a bet of 10-12. to avoid giving 65s odds. Or say with 2 callers someone might have a set, let me get free card to my 7 outs to a bigger full/quads, with out riscing a raise/checkraise. That 7 on the river was a terrible card, very unlikely you have the best hand now, since 65s beats you now too, and it is unlikely someone would lead out with a weaker Q now. on the other hand you get vey good odds to a call, it only cost you 21 more to win over 150, but i still think its a marginal call.

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Re: Lost 2 buy-ins tonight. Were they avoidable? first hand, you need to bet your hand harder, might not have driven him off, but at least you were betting whilst ahead, and it'd be a bad beat. second hand, no way out of that

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Re: Lost 2 buy-ins tonight. Were they avoidable?

First one here: 0.25/0.50 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 07 August 2007 22:25:57 Turbo TH 117 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: thehornet1 (39.82) Seat 2: Miss10min (35.25) Seat 3: dutzz (47.75) Seat 4: -Raipe- (54.65) Seat 5: humseper11 (49.50) Seat 6: Blacky_78 (50.50) Seat 7: woffar (126.45) Seat 8: reraiseXX (57.15) Seat 9: Ahmed1 (68.07) Seat 10: -Niko- (163.17) Ahmed1 post SB 0.25 -Niko- post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** thehornet1 [As, 9s] Miss10min [N/A, N/A] dutzz [N/A, N/A] -Raipe- [N/A, N/A] humseper11 [N/A, N/A] Blacky_78 [N/A, N/A] woffar [N/A, N/A] reraiseXX [N/A, N/A] Ahmed1 [N/A, N/A] -Niko- [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** thehornet1 Call 0.50 Miss10min Fold dutzz Fold -Raipe- Fold humseper11 Fold Blacky_78 Raise to 2.50 woffar Fold reraiseXX Fold Ahmed1 Fold -Niko- Fold thehornet1 Call 2.50 *** Flop(Board): *** : [9d, 5h, Ac] *** Bet Round 2 *** thehornet1 Check Blacky_78 Bet 2.50 thehornet1 Call 2.50 *** Turn(Board): *** : [9d, 5h, Ac, 4c] *** Bet Round 3 *** thehornet1 Check Blacky_78 Bet 4.00 thehornet1 Raise to 11.50 Blacky_78 Call 11.50 *** River(Board): *** : [9d, 5h, Ac, 4c, Kh] *** Bet Round 4 *** thehornet1 Bet 14.00 Blacky_78 Raise to 29.00 thehornet1 All-in 23.32 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 77.39 thehornet1 [As, 9s] Two pair aces and nines Win: 0.00 Miss10min Fold Win: 0.00 dutzz Fold Win: 0.00 -Raipe- Fold Win: 0.00 humseper11 Fold Win: 0.00 Blacky_78 [Ks, Ad] Two pair aces and kings Win: 77.39 woffar Fold Win: 0.00 reraiseXX Fold Win: 0.00 Ahmed1 Fold Win: 0.00 I should have raised on the flop or potentially not have been involved at all!! Thoughts please?
You just checked and let him have free cards - despite the fact that he had raised each round of betting, he will then just fish to the river and get lucky. If you had raised on the flop then he would know that you had a hand, and would probably have dropped after a raise on the turn -as it was he thought he was ahead and probably put you on a PP and was happy to "milk" you as he had the paired aces, he got lucky with the river. 2nd - hand Unlucky - it happens, nothing that you could do really, might have spotted the FH I probably wouldn't have at the time.
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Re: Lost 2 buy-ins tonight. Were they avoidable? 1st had I agree with the raise the flop and jam the turn. But I have to say as a tight player that I am, there's no way I'd be calling with A9s under the gun, this obviously wasn't what led you to go broke but IMO it is a loose call, I'm not a fan of open limping anyway but that hand is a definite fold there for me. 2nd hand unavoidable for me unless I was playing some absolute rock who never raises without being close to the nuts.

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Re: Lost 2 buy-ins tonight. Were they avoidable? Interesting that both hands were under the gun as you may well have not lost anywere near as much if you had the positional advantage. To be honest I would rarely play a/9 suited in early position and I certainley would'nt call a 4xbb raise out of position to win a 2 way pot. Second hand would have been a great lay down but then with a big reraise and a caller It would certainly be one you could make in a tourney. Cash game though so not much you can do. Guess position is everything after all

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Re: Lost 2 buy-ins tonight. Were they avoidable? The 1st hand you could only survive by not playing the A9 in the 1st place - you were doomed from the flop onwards - as he was never going to fold AK after seeing an Ace on board - be very very selective with the cards you play with.....

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