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Disturbing Story About Phil LaaK


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Re: Disturbing Story About Phil LaaK Of course, there's no way we can be sure what really happened, but I have to say it looks VERY suspicious to me.

On arrival back in Thailand I purchase all the items and the find out that because they are of a religious nature a 10,000$ tax is required. I telephone Phil and he starts screaming and shouting (like the spoilt brat he is) that he is being ripped of I put the phone down and do not here any more.
This sounds exactly like one of those "Nigerian" scams.
My wife on hearing about this nearly had a nervous break down. She was so scared that she went to the Police on her motorbike to file a complaint on the way there she was hit by a car and now has the use of only one leg. Soon after this she developed M.S and although Phil Laak is not directly responsible for this I am sure that all the stress did not help her condition in any way.
Although I know I'll seem an uncaring **** if it's true, this bit really made me suspicious! It's all speculation, but my best guess is that Laak may have got into some kind of dodgy business deal with this guy, pulled out when he realized it was a scam, and the guy decided that since Laak was moderately famous he could take his revenge on the internet.
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Re: Disturbing Story About Phil LaaK

I imagine for the 'injured party' to go to the WSoP and confront him there suggests its more than a scam.
Maybe. Though the 'injured party' seems to have "moved to Thailand", so may possibly spend a fair amount of time in the US (we have no way of knowing), and going to the WSOP to confront Laak may not have been a big deal. I guess I'm just suspicious of unsubstantiated allegations against a "famous" person. He doesn't seem to have gone to the authorities in either Thailand or the US with his evidence. Why not? To be honest, none of us have any evidence one way or the other. I just feel rather uncomfortable about believing rather shocking allegations about anybody without any corroborating evidence.
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Re: Disturbing Story About Phil LaaK I echo most of what you guys have said really. My own first thoughts reading through were that it sounds like a personal vendetta without any real substantial evidence. Also, i'm not sure about Laak's family history but i do know he was a stock broker of some sort and so was rich with his own money, i'm not convinced then that he had to ring his mum to bail him out if the event even happened. As for the photo, it really proves nothing, it shows Phil Laak surrounded by a bunch of people, one of whom looks like the guy in the other photos, hardly incriminating evidence. As others have said nobody really knows what went on if anything, and if something of any serious note had happened then he would have been in serious trouble by now. I'm confused as to why it's taken 7yrs to get this into the public domain also as Laak broke onto the main scene 2/3/4yrs ago. Just way too many things in this seem to be unlikely, but i guess if there is anything of any note in the allegations then the police will do something, if not then these Thai people should be preparing their own legal defence....

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