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Newcastle GUKPT starts tomorrow


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Just met up with Matt Dale (poker.co.uk), Michael Grecco(won Cardiff GUKPT) and Alex Ross(the banned one) at the grosvenor casino in Newcastle Both are playing the main event which has a £1050 buy in and start tomorrow, Poker.co.uk have taken over sponsoring Lucy Rokach who starts her day 1 on friday. Good Luck all Matt and Alex bought me into a super satellite with them for £100, so i just wanted to say thanks very much:clap it was much appreciated and not expected! Matt went out in 7th when he pushed all in pre-flop for around 2500 i called then a local pro went all in for his last 2800, i again called the extra 300 Matt showed J5o:lol for a miss timed bluff I had pocket Jacks , only one left to come :hope Local pro picked up AA :puke Nothing on the flop, nothing on the turn and an Ace on the river knocked Matt out and left me back to starting stack of 4000( had previously doubled with AA and 99 in consecutive hands :loon Dealers changed and so did my luck, blinding away i pushed for my last 3000 with blinds at 600/1200 with 10s 6s, 1 caller, he had 88:cry He hit his 8 on the turn and it was good night vienna, i finished a credible 4th, Alex followed shortly after in 3rd when his 89s was called by pocket 2's i think and they held up:\ Had a great night and met up with some pretty good mates, thanks again lads, see ya tomorrow!:ok

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