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Ever Dished out a Bad Beat - Post here and Gloat


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We have a thread for moaning about receiveing bad beats, so I thought we should have one for when we have dished out a bad beat. Please include any 'words of advice' that your victim gives.:loon I was well chipped and he was a shorty so when he re-raised, I thought -why not - I envisaged at least having the flush on my side, but that wasn't to be. I've included his words of advice... which carried on over three hands :lol http://www.pokerhand.org/?1266550

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Re: Ever Dished out a Bad Beat - Post here and Gloat one not too long ago - LOL I meant to check the flop (auto button), but hit call as the button came up - he must be sick Damo ***** Hand 686219710 ***** 500.00/1000.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 15 July 2007 21:17:14 $1,000 GTD REBUY (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: calculor (14410.00) Seat 2: robilaruk (34683.00) Seat 3: JasDeuchar (20267.00) Seat 4: mettadorrr (35757.00) Seat 5: -Trent- (26865.00) Seat 7: Robi84 (15174.00) Seat 9: ilpiciu (51548.00) Seat 10: Nikko69 (25221.00) calculor post SB 500.00 robilaruk post BB 1000.00 ** Deal ** robilaruk [9h, Kc] *** Bet Round 1 *** JasDeuchar Fold mettadorrr Fold -Trent- Fold Robi84 Fold ilpiciu Fold Nikko69 Fold calculor Raise to 4000.00 robilaruk Call 4000.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [6h, 10d, 7c] *** Bet Round 2 *** calculor All-in 10410.00 robilaruk Call 10410.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [6h, 10d, 7c, Jh] *** River(Board): *** : [6h, 10d, 7c, Jh, 8d] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 29620.00 calculor [10h, 10c] Three of a kind, tens Win: 0.00 robilaruk [9h, Kc] Straight to the jack Win: 29620.00 JasDeuchar Fold Win: 0.00 mettadorrr Fold Win: 0.00 -Trent- Fold Win: 0.00 Robi84 Fold Win: 0.00 ilpiciu Fold Win: 0.00 Nikko69 Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: Ever Dished out a Bad Beat - Post here and Gloat I've started to keep a record of random hands whether they're wins, losses or just random play and this is a sick one i dished out last week (I mentioned somewhere else that i gave a bad beat rather then took one a few days ago and here it is) Button is at seat 1 Seat 1: phishy - $86.37 Seat 2: Perfexionist - $46.75 Seat 3: visitor22 - $17.57 Seat 5: mynameislege - $85.21 Seat 6: WilliamVdB - $84.55 Seat 7: 27Nade - $54.13 Seat 8: mcscoots - $99.67 Seat 9: angrychef - $17.54 Seat 10: IcyBlue - $48.25 Moving Button to seat 2 visitor22 posts small blind ($0.25) mynameislege posts big blind ($0.50) Shuffling Deck Dealing Cards Dealing [Kc Jh] to 27Nade WilliamVdB folds 27Nade calls $0.50 mcscoots folds angrychef raises to $1 IcyBlue folds phishy calls $1 Perfexionist calls $1 visitor22 calls $1 mynameislege folds 27Nade calls $1 Dealing Flop [2s 2c Kh] 2% chance of winning visitor22 checks 27Nade checks angrychef bets $4 phishy folds Perfexionist folds visitor22 calls $4 27Nade raises to $20 angrychef calls $16.54 (all-in) visitor22 calls $16.57 (all-in) Returning $3.43 to 27Nade uncalled visitor22 shows [2d Js] 27Nade shows [Kc Jh] angrychef shows [Qd Ks] Dealing Turn [Jd] 5% chance of winning Dealing River [Jc] Taking Rake of $2.75 from pot 1 27Nade has Full House, Jacks over Kings 27Nade wins $0.06 from side pot #1 with: Full House, Jacks over Kings 27Nade wins $52.37 with: Full House, Jacks over Kings Perfexionist: lol Seat 1: phishy - $85.37 Seat 2: Perfexionist - $45.75 Seat 3: visitor22 - $0 Seat 5: mynameislege - $84.71 Seat 6: WilliamVdB - $84.55 Seat 7: 27Nade - $88.99 Seat 8: mcscoots - $99.67 Seat 9: angrychef - $0 Seat 10: IcyBlue - $48.25 27Nade: f*** me End Of Hand #135631184 Perfexionist: wtfg 27Nade: lol WilliamVdB: loool visitor22: wtf WilliamVdB: that was pretty sick :rollin I loved it as it usually never happens for me :D

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Re: Ever Dished out a Bad Beat - Post here and Gloat I called an all in last week holding A 5 off suit the flop had come A K 7. I was on the button near the bubble, medium stack. Short stack goes all in, I call he turns over A K, I get running 5's to make my full house and send him out. He called me a c unt, and i don't blame him. 4 hours play to bubble like that

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Re: Ever Dished out a Bad Beat - Post here and Gloat A sick one at last Friday's home game. I'm chip leader with about 5,000 chips, and call the BB with 66 and 2nd in chips (4,500 chips) raises it up from the BB to 500 (blinds at 100/200). I call, and the SB, short-stacked goes all in for a few more chips, so there's about 1,800 chips in the pot. Flop comes 5 5 A, and the other guy bets 750. I actually tell him, "oh rats, you've got AK or AQ", but still call. Turn is a 4 and he bets 750 again. For some bizarre reason, I go all in, hoping to represent God knows what. He calls and turns over AQ. Short-stack has 88, but a miracle 6 on the river completes my full house - SICK, SICK, SICK

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Re: Ever Dished out a Bad Beat - Post here and Gloat Worst one I've ever dished out was in the tourney that used to be on a friday nigght, I think it was Royal Vegas $2000 added or something like that. Used to get quite a few Plers. Anyway, I was short stacked, went all in with 7s. Someone calls with rubbish (not surprised as I didn't have much fold equity) and someone calls with A 10. Flop comes A 10 10 and I'm getting ready for bed. Turn, 7. River, 7. The guy went nuts in the chatbox, I could only sympathise.

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Re: Ever Dished out a Bad Beat - Post here and Gloat Two from tonights pub match, both against pocket 10's. first one with 22 all in preflop, flop quads to double up. Second one, KJ vs 10 10, on a board of J 7 10, Ace on the turn, Queen on the river for my straight. I did bubble though........

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Re: Ever Dished out a Bad Beat - Post here and Gloat This genuinely (including the table chat) just happened. The precursor to this is that for the last week i've been getting donked a lot and so i just thought if i can't beat them, join them!... Money Type: REAL MONEY Blinds are now $0.50/$1 Button is at seat 1 Seat 1: 27Nade - $98.50 Seat 2: 1zart1 - $26.35 Seat 3: bigAAstackAA - $80.70 Seat 4: Milhouse1000 - $46 Seat 5: TonyCorbett - $70 Seat 6: jeanguy04 - $49.82 Seat 7: oddik - $31.05 Seat 8: Skjonsberg - $334.40 Seat 9: Napoleon53 - $97.05 Seat 10: Waswini - $103 Moving Button to seat 2 bigAAstackAA posts small blind ($0.50) Milhouse1000 posts big blind ($1) jeanguy04 posts $1 Shuffling Deck Dealing Cards Dealing [Kd 9h] to 27Nade jeanguy04 checks oddik folds Skjonsberg folds Napoleon53 raises to $4 Waswini folds 27Nade calls $4 1zart1 folds bigAAstackAA raises to $7 Milhouse1000 folds jeanguy04 folds Napoleon53 calls $7 27Nade: im gonna call with ?*#$ bcus it usually works 27Nade calls $7 Dealing Flop [9d Kh 7d] bigAAstackAA bets $12 Napoleon53 calls $12 27Nade raises to $91.50 (all-in) bigAAstackAA folds Napoleon53 calls $90.05 (all-in) Returning $1.45 to 27Nade uncalled 27Nade shows [Kd 9h] Napoleon53 shows [Ks As] Dealing Turn [5c] Dealing River [8h] Taking Rake of $3 from pot 1 27Nade has Two Pairs: Kings, 9s 27Nade wins $212.10 with: Two Pairs: Kings, 9s Seat 1: 27Nade - $213.55 Seat 2: 1zart1 - $26.35 Seat 3: bigAAstackAA - $61.70 Seat 4: Milhouse1000 - $45 Seat 5: TonyCorbett - $70 Seat 6: jeanguy04 - $48.82 Seat 7: oddik - $31.05 Seat 8: Skjonsberg - $334.40 Seat 9: Napoleon53 - $0 Seat 10: Waswini - $103 End Of Hand #145043486 27Nade: yup, it worked 27Nade: sorry m8 27Nade: but iv been getting that *#@* for the last week so i had to try it myself Milhouse1000: first playing that #??# and than excuse. man you are cruel :nana :nana :nana :rollin :rollin One of my finest victories :rollin Whoop whoop i'm a donk!

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Re: Ever Dished out a Bad Beat - Post here and Gloat Cheers guys! I think i'll throw a few of these random calls in every now and again, when there's good enough implied odds, but i felt such a fraud for doing it :lol.

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Re: Ever Dished out a Bad Beat - Post here and Gloat ***** Hand 687375798 ***** 8000.00/16000.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 16 July 2007 22:11:54 Virgin Cheapskates (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: mtcsat (95008.00) Seat 5: MJSOMS1 (146112.00) Seat 8: morlspin (19728.00) Seat 9: SeaSnake (27152.00) MJSOMS1 post SB 8000.00 morlspin post BB 16000.00 ** Deal ** mtcsat [N/A, N/A] MJSOMS1 [N/A, N/A] morlspin [6s, 2s] SeaSnake [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** SeaSnake All-in 27152.00 mtcsat Fold MJSOMS1 Fold morlspin All-in 19728.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Jd, 8d, 6d] *** Turn(Board): *** : [Jd, 8d, 6d, 2h] *** River(Board): *** : [Jd, 8d, 6d, 2h, 6c] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 47456.00 mtcsat Fold Win: 0.00 MJSOMS1 Fold Win: 0.00 morlspin [6s, 2s] Full house Win: 47456.00 SeaSnake [Kd, 9d] Flush to the king Win: 0.00

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Re: Ever Dished out a Bad Beat - Post here and Gloat Home game last night, was chip leader and held Qs Qh, raised it up 4 BB's the lowstack pushed allin for 14BB's. Everyone else folded so I thought why not it isnt going to dent my stack if I lose. He flips over Kh Kc. Flop comes down 3s Kd 7s Ah well game over and we all had a chuckle, then I said well I need running queens or two spades. All my mates just laughed at me. Turn 9s, River 10s We all fall off our seats pissing ourselves, apart from the lad I knocked out. :rollin Needless to say fate came and on the final hand I pushed wif AK, chip leader calls with A9, and you know the rest :\

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Re: Ever Dished out a Bad Beat - Post here and Gloat River Baby :dude:dude:dude ***** Hand 709205480 ***** 75.00/150.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 05 August 2007 20:29:02 V*Roll Satellite (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: bluemeenie (1395.00) Seat 2: MRG777 (1685.00) Seat 3: pl---GaF (845.00) Seat 4: dingo90 (870.00) Seat 5: dagmann (3660.00) Seat 6: mlcjk (2840.00) Seat 7: bilkonic (2175.00) Seat 8: kippe66 (620.00) Seat 9: vikkiita (7535.00) MRG777 post SB 75.00 pl---GaF post BB 150.00 ** Deal ** bluemeenie [N/A, N/A] MRG777 [N/A, N/A] pl---GaF [7s, Qd] dingo90 [N/A, N/A] dagmann [N/A, N/A] mlcjk [N/A, N/A] bilkonic [N/A, N/A] kippe66 [N/A, N/A] vikkiita [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** dingo90 Fold dagmann Fold mlcjk Fold bilkonic Fold kippe66 Fold vikkiita Fold bluemeenie Call 150.00 MRG777 Call 150.00 pl---GaF Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [Qh, 10c, 3c] *** Bet Round 2 *** MRG777 Check pl---GaF All-in 695.00 bluemeenie All-in 1245.00 MRG777 Fold *** Turn(Board): *** : [Qh, 10c, 3c, 5s] *** River(Board): *** : [Qh, 10c, 3c, 5s, 7h] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 1840.00 bluemeenie [Kh, Qc] Pair of queens Win: 0.00 MRG777 Fold Win: 0.00 pl---GaF [7s, Qd] Two pair queens and sevens Win: 1840.00 dingo90 Fold Win: 0.00 dagmann Fold Win: 0.00 mlcjk Fold Win: 0.00 bilkonic Fold Win: 0.00 kippe66 Fold Win: 0.00 vikkiita Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: Ever Dished out a Bad Beat - Post here and Gloat River Baby :dude:dude:dude There are Ante's too, not marked, but changed the odds enough for my call.... ***** Hand 709312107 ***** 500.00/1000.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 05 August 2007 21:47:14 50 Up $5000 Final (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: Neighbour (14012.00) Seat 2: shane54 (20608.00) Seat 3: Misima (6270.00) Seat 5: Red_Fear (6070.00) Seat 6: pittis81 (6393.00) Seat 7: regal filte (3200.00) Seat 8: xor7486 (19675.00) Seat 9: esso1 (6455.00) Seat 10: Telepe (6034.00) esso1 post SB 500.00 Telepe post BB 1000.00 ** Deal ** Neighbour [N/A, N/A] shane54 [N/A, N/A] Misima [N/A, N/A] Red_Fear [N/A, N/A] pittis81 [N/A, N/A] regal filte [N/A, N/A] xor7486 [N/A, N/A] esso1 [N/A, N/A] Telepe [2s, Qh] *** Bet Round 1 *** Neighbour Fold shane54 Fold Misima Fold Red_Fear Fold pittis81 Fold regal filte All-in 3200.00 xor7486 Fold esso1 Fold Telepe Call 3200.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Ac, Kh, 10c] *** Turn(Board): *** : [Ac, Kh, 10c, Ks] *** River(Board): *** : [Ac, Kh, 10c, Ks, Js] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 7800.00 Neighbour Fold Win: 0.00 shane54 Fold Win: 0.00 Misima Fold Win: 0.00 Red_Fear Fold Win: 0.00 pittis81 Fold Win: 0.00 regal filte [10h, As] Two pair aces and kings Win: 0.00 xor7486 Fold Win: 0.00 esso1 Fold Win: 0.00 Telepe [2s, Qh] Ace high straight Win: 7800.00

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