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PL Omaha help


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Hi, I've only played Omaha a bit for small stakes and have profited but I doubt I have improved my play much and am looking to do so. I was wondering if anyone can recommend any books or online articles or anything. Any advice strategy wise would be great to especially applied to low stakes games. I have the very basics sorted ok ie. position, position and more position and I think my starting hand selection is ok, but maybe it should be looser from late position. But its mainly my post flop play I need to improve. I know its difficult to give vague advice but really I'm just looking to be pointed in the direction of articles etc. Thanks, Rob

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Re: PL Omaha help

I know its difficult to give vague advice but really I'm just looking to be pointed in the direction of articles etc. Thanks, Rob
Annie Duke had a series in Inside Poker magazine (formally inside edge)- check to see if they are available online? good luck :ok Damo
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Re: PL Omaha help where are those books? Villian had been taking me and others of their hands every turn card by raising pot, so I thought I had him at last :puke Damo ***** Hand 684134032 ***** 0.25/0.50 Omaha Hi/Lo (PL) - 13 July 2007 21:32:23 Table OH 71 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: Pete9999 (91.32) Seat 2: robilaruk (24.15) Seat 4: Lilly Joy (65.87) Seat 5: yazz (45.35) robilaruk post SB 0.25 Lilly Joy post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** Pete9999 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] robilaruk [2h, Qc, Kc, 6s] Lilly Joy [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] yazz [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** yazz Call 0.50 Pete9999 Fold robilaruk Call 0.50 Lilly Joy Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [5h, Ks, 7c] *** Bet Round 2 *** robilaruk Bet 1.00 Lilly Joy Fold yazz Call 1.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [5h, Ks, 7c, Qd] *** Bet Round 3 *** robilaruk Bet 3.50 yazz Raise to 14.00 robilaruk All-in 22.65 yazz Call 22.65 *** River(Board): *** : [5h, Ks, 7c, Qd, 5d] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 2.40 Total Pot: 46.40 Pete9999 Fold Win: 0.00 robilaruk [2h, Qc, Kc, 6s] Two pair kings and queens Win: 0.00 Lilly Joy Fold Win: 0.00 yazz [Qh, Qs, 7h, Kd] Full house Win: 46.40

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Re: PL Omaha help laying down Aces when you are (probably) beat? Anyone calling? Damo ***** Hand 685934524 ***** 0.25/0.50 Omaha (PL) - 15 July 2007 17:42:21 Table OH 10 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: mikantimd (48.25) Seat 2: dogenzo (0.00) Seat 3: Trunkfish (28.60) Seat 4: Razzle77 (42.50) Seat 5: nike123 (20.98) Seat 6: canabius (28.16) Seat 7: Chippy60 (46.75) Seat 8: robilaruk (34.95) Seat 9: Mindelf (49.45) Seat 10: koffa2 (94.25) Razzle77 post SB 0.25 nike123 post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** robilaruk [8c, Ac, As, 8h] *** Bet Round 1 *** canabius Fold Chippy60 Fold robilaruk Raise to 1.50 Mindelf Fold koffa2 Fold mikantimd Fold Razzle77 Fold nike123 Call 1.50 *** Flop(Board): *** : [Jh, 3h, Ad] *** Bet Round 2 *** nike123 Check robilaruk Bet 3.25 nike123 Call 3.25 *** Turn(Board): *** : [Jh, 3h, Ad, 10s] *** Bet Round 3 *** nike123 Check robilaruk Check *** River(Board): *** : [Jh, 3h, Ad, 10s, Qh] *** Bet Round 4 *** nike123 Bet 7.50 robilaruk Fold

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Re: PL Omaha help Definitely not calling the above hand without a strong read. Both the flush and wraps are completed and the way villian has check called suggests to me they were drawing. My well have been a flush draw though, as if they completed their wrap on the turn they might have bet? Regardless it's money probably better spent betting the turn rather than calling the river. As for the hand before it, it's a lay down for me. Tbh it's not really the type of hand I like to play and if I do I'm looking for either a boat, quads or the Ace of clubs.

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Re: PL Omaha help not laying down aces when you KNOW you are beat I don't have the HH as it was my bust out hand so they don't record it on boss.... :eyes :eyes :eyes :eyes :eyes I have about $48 and the BB about $52 my hand in the SB is AK hearts Jd 10C 2 limps from late position, am in the SB so i pot raise to $2.50 (this is only the 2nd hand I have raised in the 40 mins I have been playing and only about the 5/6th hand I have played); the BB and 2 limpers call Ac As 8s flop - nice have trips, but 2 spades, no point mucking about I bet pot $10, BB calls and the two limpers fold turn 3H - no scare card, I bet pot again - thats $30 - the BB calls the river is the 6s - I feel :puke If I check and the BB bets do I call? there is about $96 to win for my last $5 or so - I must call right - so I dutifully check and he bets his last $8 or so I just fecking know he has the flush - a great player would fold here, but I am only an 'ok' player so i call - he shows 97s - :@ - 97 spades and 2 random unsuited high cards - he has called for 80% of his stack with a 9 high flush draw - I just feel really :puke now and thats why I am never going to earn a six figure salary playing poker - I wouldn't call with 97 to hit my flush, and I can't lay my trips down and save money even though I am getting 19-1 odds for my cash - A great player would fold here. :sad Damo

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Re: PL Omaha help You would be better off folding perhaps but never with a flush. I'm expecting to see 88 there, although even then I'd half expect them to re-raise and push you off a bare ace. It sucks definitely but I'd marvel that I've found a player who not only plays 9 high flushes but does so on paired boards.

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Re: PL Omaha help cheers Crouch - I think the AA hand is a very easy lay down - the KQ, well he had consistently (and I mean virtually every hand) pot raised the turn even if the other 4 of us were still in the pot and had been doing for about 10 mins or so at least - I guess I just let myself believe he was bluffing/betting his draws every time and was trying it on again - he had about $100 when i had arrived and lost a couple of big pots when he was called/reshoved on the turn, and he had 2 pair/str/flush draws, and once absolute junk, no hand no draw but it cost him about another $3 to win something like $60 so he called The table had become quite passive because of this play by the villian, with less raising and more limping, so he is raising about $3-$5 on the turn and just picking up pots 4 hands out of 5, so i would say he was very LAAG and I fancied my chances :$ Damo

Definitely not calling the above hand without a strong read. Both the flush and wraps are completed and the way villian has check called suggests to me they were drawing. My well have been a flush draw though, as if they completed their wrap on the turn they might have bet? Regardless it's money probably better spent betting the turn rather than calling the river. As for the hand before it, it's a lay down for me. Tbh it's not really the type of hand I like to play and if I do I'm looking for either a boat, quads or the Ace of clubs.
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Re: PL Omaha help

You would be better off folding perhaps but never with a flush. I'm expecting to see 88 there' date=' although even then I'd half expect them to re-raise and push you off a bare ace. It sucks definitely but I'd marvel that I've found a player who not only plays 9 high flushes but does so on paired boards.[/quote'] my thoughts exactly - he has 6 outs on the flop (assuming I don't have a bigger flush draw) and unless I have raised with KK, he must put me on an Ace PF surely? (esp with the flop and turn bet) - I was truley amazed to see 97 - if it was KQ/KJ/K10 I could understand it better as he was drawing to the nut flush, but FFS I have been out and walked the dog and I am still sick about this after an hour - its just madness and really fecking annoying that some kanute had sucked out so badly when I didn't give him the chance to Damo
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Re: PL Omaha help

Regarding the KQ' date=' I don't blame the call given the way the hand was going and your read, I'm more curious as to why you decided to play it in the first place, as there really isn't much you can safely draw to.[/quote'] small blind, so only 1/2 bet to call - the 2nd nut flush and possible high straight - as I said it had become very passive with villian raising every turn, so the pots were small and folks wanted to see cheap flops Damo
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Re: PL Omaha help I just tried out Omaha on Boss. I love these players, calling all-ins with inferior hands! 0.25/0.50 Omaha (PL) - Monday, 16 July 2007 4:51:36 AM Table OH 10 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: XaAlonso (22.02) Seat 2: R0CKHEAD (54.25) Seat 3: Trunkfish (26.55) Seat 4: stuba (96.35) Seat 5: bitsun (48.15) Seat 6: L'armonica (52.10) Seat 7: -- BIGS (39.40) Seat 8: TILTPLEASE (50.75) Seat 9: relanium (42.07) Seat 10: Brabham (13.14) stuba post SB 0.25 bitsun post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** XaAlonso [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] R0CKHEAD [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] Trunkfish [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] stuba [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] bitsun [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] L'armonica [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] -- BIGS [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] TILTPLEASE [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] relanium [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] Brabham [Ad, As, 10s, 8d] *** Bet Round 1 *** L'armonica Call 0.50 -- BIGS Call 0.50 TILTPLEASE Call 0.50 relanium Call 0.50 Brabham Call 0.50 XaAlonso Call 0.50 R0CKHEAD Fold Trunkfish Call 0.50 stuba Call 0.50 bitsun Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [6d, Jc, 10d] *** Bet Round 2 *** stuba Check bitsun Check L'armonica Check -- BIGS Bet 2.00 TILTPLEASE Raise to 4.00 relanium Fold Brabham Call 4.00 XaAlonso Fold Trunkfish Call 4.00 stuba Fold bitsun Fold L'armonica Fold -- BIGS Call 4.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [6d, Jc, 10d, 9d] *** Bet Round 3 *** -- BIGS Check TILTPLEASE Bet 5.00 Brabham All-in 8.64 Trunkfish Call 8.64 -- BIGS Fold TILTPLEASE Call 8.64 *** River(Board): *** : [6d, Jc, 10d, 9d, Ks] *** Bet Round 4 *** TILTPLEASE All-in 37.61 Trunkfish All-in 13.41 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 70.24 XaAlonso Fold Win: 0.00 R0CKHEAD Fold Win: 0.00 Trunkfish [Kd, Qs, 5d, Jd] Flush to the king Win: 26.12 stuba Fold Win: 0.00 bitsun Fold Win: 0.00 L'armonica Fold Win: 0.00 -- BIGS Fold Win: 0.00 TILTPLEASE [Qd, 2d, 7d, 10c] Flush to the queen Win: 0.00 relanium Fold Win: 0.00 Brabham [Ad, As, 10s, 8d] Ace high flush Win: 44.12

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Re: PL Omaha help Being a complete omaha novice this situation got me in a tangle. I'm not sure whether it was an easy lay down or i should have gone for the river? I had 2 pair and open-ender so i had a few outs i think, not really pot odds but was it worth the risk? What was the best play? I haven't really come across this situation in my very short omaha 'career' so any advice appreciated :ok Money Type: REAL MONEY Blinds are now $0.25/$0.50 Button is at seat 10 Seat 1: V4Mike - $50 Seat 2: hanny87 - $17.75 Seat 3: devilfish87 - $74.34 Seat 4: 27Nade - $47.66 Seat 5: MishaTheOne - $27 Seat 6: jmlane - $92.61 Seat 8: XDRAGON - $12.44 Seat 9: MsDuecesWild - $29.40 Seat 10: Ambush - $109.98 Moving Button to seat 1 hanny87 posts small blind ($0.25) devilfish87 posts big blind ($0.50) Shuffling Deck Dealing Cards Dealing [Jh Ad Tc 9d] to 27Nade V4Mike: no luck V4Mike: always turn 27Nade calls $0.50 MishaTheOne folds jmlane calls $0.50 XDRAGON folds MsDuecesWild calls $0.50 Player [***NO PLAYER***] brings $20 to table [2913602] Ambush folds V4Mike: hoped for the 10 V4Mike calls $0.50 hanny87 calls $0.50 devilfish87 checks Dealing Flop [9h 8c Th] hanny87 checks devilfish87 checks 27Nade checks jmlane checks MsDuecesWild bets $3 V4Mike calls $3 hanny87 folds devilfish87 calls $3 27Nade calls $3 jmlane folds Dealing Turn [2s] devilfish87 checks 27Nade checks MsDuecesWild bets $15 V4Mike folds devilfish87 folds 27Nade: nb 27Nade folds Taking Rake of $0.75 from pot 1 MsDuecesWild doesn't show MsDuecesWild wins $14.25 Seat 1: V4Mike - $46.50 Seat 2: hanny87 - $17.25 Seat 3: devilfish87 - $70.84 Seat 4: 27Nade - $44.16 Seat 5: MishaTheOne - $27 Seat 6: jmlane - $92.11 Seat 7: volstagg - $20 Seat 8: XDRAGON - $12.44 Seat 9: MsDuecesWild - $40.15 Seat 10: Ambush - $109.98 End Of Hand #143968497

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Re: PL Omaha help Wouldn't normally call here, but the way the betting unfolded I just didn't really feel that someone hold AXh was too likely and with my straight draw possibilities I convinced myself too call. Anyone folding here? ***** Hand 686798304 ***** 0.25/0.50 Omaha (PL) - Monday, 16 July 2007 11:26:53 PM Table OH 36 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: erkan79 (32.72) Seat 2: L'armonica (51.30) Seat 3: Beerbaron_ (50.00) Seat 4: niko6625 (106.20) Seat 5: Samuelszon (48.95) Seat 6: bangla06 (42.95) Seat 7: Brabham (36.59) Seat 8: RUSHRAVE (15.39) Seat 9: yatzy11 (47.65) Seat 10: pblt81 (76.80) erkan79 post SB 0.25 Beerbaron_ post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** erkan79 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] Beerbaron_ [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] niko6625 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] Samuelszon [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] bangla06 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] Brabham [10h, Qh, 8c, 7h] RUSHRAVE [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] yatzy11 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] pblt81 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** niko6625 Call 0.50 Samuelszon Fold bangla06 Fold Brabham Call 0.50 RUSHRAVE Fold yatzy11 Call 0.50 pblt81 Call 0.50 erkan79 Call 0.50 Beerbaron_ Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [8d, 6h, Kh] *** Bet Round 2 *** erkan79 Check Beerbaron_ Bet 3.00 niko6625 Fold Brabham Call 3.00 yatzy11 Fold pblt81 Raise to 15.00 erkan79 Fold Beerbaron_ All-in 49.50 Brabham All-in 36.09 pblt81 Call 49.50

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Re: PL Omaha help I can't really give advice crouch as you know ;). Just wanted to say cheers to all for the help in getting started with Omaha :ok. Got the basics sorted and it's working v.well on PKR atm i'm on the verge of leaving with at least double my input from the last 3 tables i've played which is a big improvement from a few days ago, down to the advice from the good PL'ers. Hopefully i can keep it going and ask for more advanced help sometime in the future. Cheers :ok.

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Re: PL Omaha help

Wouldn't normally call here' date=' but the way the betting unfolded I just didn't really feel that someone hold AXh was too likely and [b']with my straight draw possibilities I convinced myself too call. Anyone folding here?
Fold every time. I looked at this hand several times and I just dont get it :unsure. Id never put my whole bank in, unless I have a strong hand and many outs. What straight draw possibilities? I can only see gut straight draw for 9. IMO the only way you can win that hand now is catching runner, runner. That is, how far you are behind now I think. 1st dude must have caught a hand cause after betting on the flop, he must be very happy to see re raise, thats why he is all in. You should fold right there. Some of the hands already in play: definite Axh, 88, 66 AA, even KK. Now put me out my misery and say you caught 8 on turn and 8 on the river :tongue2.
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Re: PL Omaha help *** Turn(Board): *** : [8d, 6h, Kh, 9s] *** River(Board): *** : [8d, 6h, Kh, 9s, 5h] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 135.09 erkan79 Fold Win: 0.00 L'armonica [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] Highest card eight Win: 0.00 Beerbaron_ [8h, 2h, Ks, Ac] Flush to the king 8,6,5,2,A Win: 23.82 niko6625 Fold Win: 0.00 Samuelszon Fold Win: 0.00 bangla06 Fold Win: 0.00 Brabham [10h, Qh, 8c, 7h] Flush to the king Win: 111.27 RUSHRAVE Fold Win: 0.00 yatzy11 Fold Win: 0.00 pblt81 Fold Win: 0.00 As I said I wouldn't normally call but as both opponents potted when given the chance I didn't figure them to be on a random suited Ah. Possibly they had it with a set but I figure I am up against sets here or maybe a wrap, in which case my flush draw would be best.

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Re: PL Omaha help a raise and an AI - I can't hit the fold key quick enough you have the 2nd nut flush draw and a weak gustshot straight draw easy peasy for me Damo

Wouldn't normally call here, but the way the betting unfolded I just didn't really feel that someone hold AXh was too likely and with my straight draw possibilities I convinced myself too call. Anyone folding here? niko6625 Fold Brabham Call 3.00 yatzy11 Fold pblt81 Raise to 15.00 erkan79 Fold Beerbaron_ All-in 49.50 Brabham All-in 36.09 pblt81 Call 49.50
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Re: PL Omaha help How much does your opinion change if you are holding the Ah in the previous hand? Here's another one, again with a Q high flush draw. I could be up against an Ace high flush draw here but figure with my boat outs as well I am drawing to the best flush often enough to call here: 0.25/0.50 Omaha (PL) - Tuesday, 17 July 2007 4:53:29 PM Table OH 82 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: fish68 (10.00) Seat 2: Dzsonny (9.10) Seat 3: Brabham (43.75) Seat 4: Hunt4 (38.40) Seat 5: banjopete (23.85) Seat 6: rents4:20 (55.30) Seat 7: Haferflock (32.55) Seat 8: kungkiwi (22.90) Seat 9: UBERFUHRER (38.70) Seat 10: Sprulex! (59.55) UBERFUHRER post SB 0.25 Sprulex! post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** fish68 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] Dzsonny [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] Brabham [2h, Jc, Qh, Qd] Hunt4 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] banjopete [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] rents4:20 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] Haferflock [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] kungkiwi [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] UBERFUHRER [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] Sprulex! [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** fish68 Call 0.50 Dzsonny Fold Brabham Call 0.50 Hunt4 Fold banjopete Fold rents4:20 Fold Haferflock Fold kungkiwi Fold UBERFUHRER Raise to 2.00 Sprulex! Call 2.00 fish68 Call 2.00 Brabham Call 2.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [10h, Kh, Qc] *** Bet Round 2 *** UBERFUHRER Bet 8.00 Sprulex! Fold fish68 Fold Brabham Call 8.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [10h, Kh, Qc, 8c] *** Bet Round 3 *** UBERFUHRER Bet 24.00 Brabham Call 24.00 *** River(Board): *** : [10h, Kh, Qc, 8c, 10d] *** Bet Round 4 *** UBERFUHRER All-in 4.70 Brabham Call 4.70 *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 78.40 fish68 Fold Win: 0.00 Dzsonny Fold Win: 0.00 Brabham [2h, Jc, Qh, Qd] Full house Win: 78.40 Hunt4 Fold Win: 0.00 banjopete Fold Win: 0.00 rents4:20 Fold Win: 0.00 Haferflock Fold Win: 0.00 kungkiwi Fold Win: 0.00 UBERFUHRER [8d, As, Kd, Jh] Ace high straight Win: 0.00 Sprulex! Fold Win: 0.00

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Re: PL Omaha help Good to see this is still goin. Read a few articles on Betfair by Ariston and Ben Grundy as well as a few random bits on the net. I think my games improving, one of the gaps that I've more or less cut out is bluffing in position. For instance raising in late position and trying to represent AAxx on an A high flop. and trying to represent straights and stuff if the cards come on the turn because people call down with as little as 2 pair. So I've just been more patient and waited for spots where I actually do have the hand, rather than just representing it. I know this is obvious but was just me trying to outplay people unneccessarily. Hope this thread keeps going I like seeing Omaha hands. Tend to get hold'em hands everywhere. Rob

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Re: PL Omaha help

How much does your opinion change if you are holding the Ah in the previous hand? normally it would change it quite a bit,i usually would only be calling a heavy push like that with the ace especially after the big raise/reraise. saying that though if you feel you have read on the other 2 players then its a good risk,if your playing vs 2 decent players here your probably drawing dead though. with the hand against the cheeky sod whos stolen part of my nick i would put him on aj, the only worry is has he got the ace of hearts suited as well you may only have the boat as a possible out:eek its a tricky one and i could have either called or folded at each stage depending on my read of the player ,if he seemed pretty solid i may have let him take it on the flop , it looks it'll be a big money hand and with only $2 invested at the time its easier to get out before the pot really builds and you have commited yourself.
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Re: PL Omaha help One of the biggest things I have osberved with my game (not through PTO but just observing) is that I've been over-rating suited aces with crap danglers, particularly OOP and also calling raises with them (I think limping OOP is okay if you fold to significant raises). A four flush flop can lead you into putting a lot of money in a pot where you're in danger of getting no action if you hit and can also lead you to playing a crappy 2 pair or baby straight out of position. For whatever reason too, I hate to raise with AA, even in position. I much prefer limping with them to disguise it if I hit a set. With regards to the hand where I was up against AJ, I actually feel that the best move was to re-raise him as it gives me a bit of equity, particularly against a hand that might include two pair with a suited ace etc.

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Re: PL Omaha help yeah a suited ace is ok but only with backup ,i treat them carefully unless ive got a couple of high cards to go with em ,giveing me those extra outs you need to really go at it post flop if you hit a straight/flush draw etc. all low cards are a danger in omaha unless your going for a rolling straight low ,you tend to lose a lot getting beaten by larger houses if you do hit one so i definately agree with you there. i think raising with aa depends on the table that you are on and your image at that table,if its a tight table and you have a tight image then your very right to flat call. give me a table full of calling stations and nutters then i push a bit and hope for a nice pot especially if i am playing loose at the time. on the right table you can get 3 or 4 callers even with a heavy raise and usually somebodys going to battle it out for a nice pot when the flop comes ,with aces youre always in with a shot with a decent flop. also the cards you have with the aces are going to matter and your position . two aces with two crappy nothing cards i will flat call mostly two aces both suited with two face cards i push as much as i think others will call, the better the hand the bigger the pot i want. if your in early position on a nutty table i may flat call waiting to reraise a raise after me . on a tight table with loads of limpers i may put in a small raise in late position give them good pot odds to call and boost the pot that way. so i wouldnt say i do one thing or the other ,depends on my read of the best way to get the best result i can with the hand,i wouldnt get stuck in one patern to much, if someone notices you play a certain hand one way alarm bells can start ringing eventually. on the last hand i still think i may have folded(against a rock) but yes if it was against somebody playing average to loose i would agree with the raise, best to get the money in before you hit one of your outs or maybe steal the pot if not:ok.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: PL Omaha help I'm really enjoying Omaha at the moment, it actually makes you think and it's a bit of a relief from the pound and pound of NL. My very basic strategy is: Find a soft table: No maniacs, whilst a lot of you may want a maniac on your table but I don't. Whilst I find it perfectly acceptable to be raised out of a pot after the flop I think it's just a bit pointless if your paying $10.00 pre-flop (on my level anyway), it equates to nothing more than bingo after that. Big fulls and little fulls. Took me a little time to work this one out, I'm guessing that around 15% of the time your little full may actually win but I'm only calling small bets or checking when holding a small full. Kickers: Just don't forget about your kickers and have the courage to fold minimal hands after the river. My rule of thumb is; if you ain't got it, someone else will have. K-10S: Folding 10-Ks will save you a lot of money in the long run, rule of thumb again. QQ-77: (or something similar) - sure, if you can see a cheap flop then chance your arm other than that you ahve your cards working against each other. 3 Working Cards: I'll call you with three working cards (As 10S 10C Qd) and in the same respect I try not to call with only two working cards unless it's an As. Try not to get carried away - One of the reasons why I love Omaha is the fact that you have to concentrate all the time. I'd love to see it on the telly, I'd make a point of watching it.

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Re: PL Omaha help Here's a hand from omaha I was playing just before, I've got a short stack - I know I should have rebought, but didn't, my call to the reraise preflop might be bad I know, but a lot of people at these stakes overplay any AAxx so I put him on any AA. I land the right kind of flop for my hand, but face having to call all in... ***** Betfair Poker Hand History for Game 237327203 ***** PL $0.05/$0.10 Omaha - Tuesday, August 07, 18:10:32 GMT 2007 Table Death 6-max (Real Money) Seat 1 is the button Total number of active players : 4 Seat 1: wealie ( $13.05 ) Seat 3: LJ1337 ( $11.28 ) Seat 4: Fenrisulven ( $21.21 ) Seat 6: str1 ( $4.77 ) LJ1337 posts small blind [$0.05] Fenrisulven posts big blind [$0.10] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to str1 [ 8h, 7h, Tc, Jc ] str1 raises to [$0.35] wealie calls [$0.35] LJ1337 raises to [$1.50] Fenrisulven folds str1 calls [$1.15] wealie calls [$1.15] ** Dealing Flop ** [ 6c, 5h, 2c ] LJ1337 bets [$4.60] What now?

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