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21 sng,s at once!


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Re: 21 sng,s at once!

:loon what a loon - he must just play premium cards and toss the rest.
yes that how you grind - I could at one time play 6 at once - 8 did my head in - but it is just draining, especially when it is bubble time in 3 or 4 and you are making decisions every hand - its easy if you are a shove monkey, but I found out that it wasn't for me, so I stopped buying in for 6 X $11's and just played one $55 instead, seems more sensible Damo
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Re: 21 sng,s at once!

Madness! This can't be a winning play' date=' Shirley. :puke[/quote'] just pop over to the 2+2 forums and check the threads there and see what some of them are winning a month playing this system of mutli-tabling the STT's :eek Damo
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Re: 21 sng,s at once! There's a point at which - with the best will in the world - a game becomes a business and excessive multi-tabling is it. I like to enjoy the character of one table at a time; the banter and tactics of the other players involved. If that means I have to do something else to pay my mortgage each month, so be it.

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Re: 21 sng,s at once!

just pop over to the 2+2 forums and check the threads there and see what some of them are winning a month playing this system of mutli-tabling the STT's :eek Damo
But remember to deduct the internet-forum-liar premium of between 50% and 90% of claimed earnings.
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Re: 21 sng,s at once!

If you count the figures after the decimal point' date=' you must be in with a chance. :ok[/quote'] thats a GREAT point hang on just checking......... :poker hmmmmmmm does it count if the figures are in the loss column? if so i am defo 'winning' a 6 figure salary every year :D Damo
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Re: 21 sng,s at once!

I think this guy is one of the current chipleaders in the WSOP ME
Sure enough, Heved "Rain" Khan has made it to the final table. I wonder if he finds it easier to play the one important table than 21 s'n'g's at once - should be a doddle for him :loon
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