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AK vs AQ vs AJ


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Re: AK vs AQ vs AJ Ah Ks...50% Ac Qh...20% As Js...30% Obviously can't be right as there must be a chance that all three will hit straights or have ace kicker to two lower pairs (maybe 5% ???) So maybe Ah Ks... 49% Ac Qh... 18% As Js ... 28% 5% to draw. But 18% looks too low for the AQ, so I really haven't a clue!:(

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Re: AK vs AQ vs AJ mmm...just messed about with a poker odds calculator and if you add a 4th hand of 27 os (with one of the 27 being a spade)...then that hand is 2nd favourite ahead of the AQ and AJ. Suppose that's all down to having 2 chances of hitting a pair. I'm still not going to start playing 27 os...I hate that hand!

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Re: AK vs AQ vs AJ Total guess... although I think the answer may have been given already! AK = 50% AJs = 27% AQ = 23% Can you post how you get the final percentages? Don't need the working out just what was included and the %? This is a weak part of my game! :( (There are of course others!) Looks like I wasn't a million miles away! Cheers Damo!

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