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Home Game, York, 11th August


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Re: Home Game, York, 11th August

MRS FENNERS HERE' date=' he's gone down the pub to start to organise things, i' ve had a long day in Geordie land,thanks MCFC, he has worked hard on trying to make this a good event, and noticed this on the p.c when i got home,please do what you can to make it. Is it me or do some people gamble their earnings? p.s i'm sure he'll tell me off for this but it's how I think not him!![/quote'] ill explain the costs involved with this tourney for me..... train £27 retun hotel £40+ tourney fee £25 is it? then more for side games drinks £50? thats around £142 for a night in york........sorry like, i just cant afford it!
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Re: Home Game, York, 11th August

full english on sunday MCFC? you'll have to sit with our children' date=' they have fab table manners!!, Oh and morlspin isn't the Quayside lovely on a summers thursday evening?[/quote'] MRS FENNERS , i should have foned you morlspin you could have met up with some yorkshire girls!!
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Re: Home Game, York, 11th August

ill explain the costs involved with this tourney for me..... train £27 retun hotel £40+ tourney fee £25 is it? then more for side games drinks £50? thats around £142 for a night in york........sorry like, i just cant afford it!
Thats fair enough but didn't you realise that was the cost when you put yourself down as a definate on the 31st July?
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Re: Home Game, York, 11th August

Thats fair enough but didn't you realise that was the cost when you put yourself down as a definate on the 31st July?
no not really! i had hoped (as you know) to come back the same night on the 2am train, but they have stopped that now so it means i have to stay over adding 33% to the cost, im sure ive told you before how much i get paid etc, so i dont really need or want to discuss it further..... simply put, im skint this month! ps... u gonna reply to my txt?
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Re: Home Game, York, 11th August Cheers Fen :clap Great night, great pub, great company and a great breakfast (thanks Mrs Fen :ok) I had a good laugh and I highly recommend it when Fen has the next one. I cant believe Michelle Orpe turned up and Washy copped for her :notworthy washyce5.jpg Also big thanks to the girl who walked me and Fenners home last night (who was she :unsure) I don't think I could have got him home without you :lol

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Re: Home Game, York, 11th August cheers bri top night went to pub today to watch footy had 2 pints and was pissed again the girl (alison) that walked us home cant remember coming back so must have all been bladdered the bloke who won (tackleberry) was well chuffed his 1st ever game so just goes to show its pure luck this poker lark

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Re: Home Game, York, 11th August MRS FEN HERE, funny that, he didn't seem that bad, probably because he wouldn't have had a home to back to if he had have been drunk, (would you dear!?) And Alison can remember!. Look, when will you learn, girls are not what they seem!!

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