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was this good play or just stupid?


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Was playing in the inside poker freeroll on blue square last night when this happened.18 left in on 2 tables blinds 1000/2000 every1 folds until guy before small blind goes all in for 20k SB folds BB as 28k left so if he calls it leaves him 10k,then in chat box he puts pot odds and calls he turns over 54o other guy as Ajo,Ajo wins with 2 pair which is fair enough.But my question is was it pot odds with such a bad hand?Fair enough hes only up against 1 opponent but with 54o imo it was just giving his chips away. Will be very interested to hear your opinions on this.Would just like to add this guy was in about 6th place at the time so was well in it.:dude

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Re: was this good play or just stupid? The SB has no need to try and steal here. He has an M of 6 and is in no way imperilled. Thus you have to give him credit for a hand. If the BB has a huge chip lead and an 18k loss wouldn't alter his tournament whatsoever, then a call is reasonable (though I would like a slightly stronger hand to do so!). In this case, in my opinion, it is a dumb call. Pot odds may be there, but in this situation they are irrelevant. This tournament has an unusual structure whee 11th gets nothing, but 10th get a $109 ticket. Thus you have to alter your strategy accordingly. If you are sitting in 6th place of 18, you do not need to be throwing chips around on a whim. there will be better opportunities. As for quoting pot odds in the chatbox...:rollin give me strength!!!

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Re: was this good play or just stupid?

guy before small blind goes all in for 20k SB folds BB as 28k left so if he calls it leaves him 10k,then in chat box he puts pot odds and calls he turns over 54o other guy as Ajo,Ajo wins with 2 pair which is fair enough
Good question Karl The pot is 22k. He has to put in 18k to call. I think he's not far off that to two random overcards but more than that to a pair. However thats the beauty of pot odds. You can blame them to absolve yourself of any responsibility for your actions. I would argue that instead of pot odds the correct decision in this situation is to look at what percentage of your stack you would lose by calling and losing the all in (in this case 66%) and suggest he would need to be a 66% favourite to call the all in. Of course in real terms if you're sat there with 10 10 or JJ then you'd consider calling anyway but thats how I feel. :ok
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Re: was this good play or just stupid? 54o against ANY TWO is 38%... 18k into 22k? He doesn't have the odds to call against any two, let alone anything better!!! Mad call - I'm all for using Pot Odds in the right situation, but this clearly wasn't.....

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Re: was this good play or just stupid? I played a similar hand last night final 2 tables, 8 people left on my table. Blinds 1,500, 3000. I have 27,000 in chips in the bb. The button goes all in for 11,000 so theres now 15,500 in the pot. It's going to cost me 8,000 to call (5,4os)so I'm getting more or less 2/1. I type in the chatbox must call potodds and make the call. The reason I called I still had 16,000chips left and knowing the button would push with any 2 cards andbecause of his previous history decided to call hoping that I was not up against an overpair and with 2 live cards was getting the odds to call. This may indeed be the hand that Jones was reffering to. The other player held A,3os.

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Re: was this good play or just stupid? he's a womble - 18K call to win 23K - what pot odds does he think he is getting that justify that?, does he think the shover has 32? he is just a womble Damo

Was playing in the inside poker freeroll on blue square last night when this happened.18 left in on 2 tables blinds 1000/2000 every1 foldswell in it.:dude
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