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What Pokersite Is The Best?


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Hello, I am very interested to hear what people think about the best poker sites. I am looking for some new ones. Let me start by sharing my experiences, POKERROOM.COM was my first site to play on. This site was a joke and i have renamed it jokerroom. All the time bannanas wit 5,6 or 7,5 would be winning agaisnt k,k or q,q and it would have to be the site with biggest amounts of bad beats. My second site was PACIFICPOKER.COM i found this site to be alright but a bit boring and hard to use. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK? THANKS

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Re: What Pokersite Is The Best? PokerStars - Decent site, some of the best poker players on there imo, always some form of tournament you can play in. Fulltilt - Ok, some decent players Ladbrokes - I like it but very few players on there now, you can wait ages just to full a STT Partypoker - Some of the easiest players on there, tournaments times are not the greatest imo (living in GMT) PKR.com - hate it! meant to be easy to win if you can put up with the interface

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