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Royal Ascot @ BetDirect

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Re: Royal Ascot @ BetDirect

679 entrants' date=' and money ($6) for 170th - do I have the nerve to just sit out?[/quote'] Er, no - I got really cheesed off by some guy raising big, then going all in. Holding AK, saw a rainbow flop of K 8 3, check raised him all in, and he turned over A3o, but caught another 3 on the river :wall :wall :wall
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Re: Royal Ascot @ BetDirect Managed to win it for $1209 although lucky on final hand Ax v KK, A on flop (or was it the turn - can't remember !). Was on 600k v 500k approx so would've been scuppered. Amazing really 'cos qualified by playing two MTTs and was something like 5th one out in the first and was 2nd one out in the second ! Tonight was my best session of online poker by far as at one point I was 5th of 25 left in the Poker Player WSOP freeroll tonight (ended up 19th :sad ) and 5th of 21 left in this. Don't think I could actually have had the time off for the WSOP game so was really playing for a share of the cash - and this win is nice consolation ! :nana

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Re: Royal Ascot @ BetDirect

Managed to win it for $1209 although lucky on final hand Ax v KK, A on flop (or was it the turn - can't remember !). Was on 600k v 500k approx so would've been scuppered. Amazing really 'cos qualified by playing two MTTs and was something like 5th one out in the first and was 2nd one out in the second ! Tonight was my best session of online poker by far as at one point I was 5th of 25 left in the Poker Player WSOP freeroll tonight (ended up 19th :sad ) and 5th of 21 left in this. Don't think I could actually have had the time off for the WSOP game so was really playing for a share of the cash - and this win is nice consolation ! :nana
Very well done, mate:clap :clap :clap
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Re: Royal Ascot @ BetDirect I was going well in this and so when I went out I flounced a bit and closed down the software and started watching the Laddies tourney. I'm really sorry I missed you on the f-t Runadrum but congratulations on the wn! :clap :clap :clap :clap

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Re: Royal Ascot @ BetDirect Yes, I was watching the wrong one as well! :clap Not that I could actually have watched this unless you can through one of the other microgaming sites (like Boss)? as I've not got this site. Don't think I'm a lucky railer anyway. :$

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Re: Royal Ascot @ BetDirect quoting from the daily thread just to save me typing it again :

Thanks Guys For once playing down to the final stages of two tourneys at once seemed to help (19th in the PP WSOP freeroll). Certainly helped that they were the same software (Laddies and Bet Direct) although as I write this I do remember putting in a large raise with 45os and a board of AK4 on Bet Direct when I was supposed to be putting in a big raise on Ladbrokes having flopped trip Queens :lol Thank you to everyone who supported me on the Bet Direct tables whilst they themselves were still in and to those who came and found me on Ladbrokes. :clap
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Re: Royal Ascot @ BetDirect Well done Run :clap . Very nice win and very well deserved also. You were on awesome form lastnight. :notworthy Glad to see all my chips going your way in the end even if you did take me out in 21st for $25 when 20th for $40 odd would have been nicer :tongue2 :ok

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Re: Royal Ascot @ BetDirect

Well done Run :clap . Very nice win and very well deserved also. You were on awesome form lastnight. :notworthy Glad to see all my chips going your way in the end even if you did take me out in 21st for $25 when 20th for $40 odd would have been nicer :tongue2 :ok
Thanks Red Well played to you too - sorry it was me that put you out, the cards were on my side for a lot of the night. :ok
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