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teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog


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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog nice one nigel:loon :loon well,my time has ended at the wsop and as i am trying to keep the tears :cry from going all over the keyboard,i now have time to reflect my poker-life and what to do now,,i really believed i had the game to be up there with the good-un`s but the poker-gods have shown me that i aint quite up to scratch.:sad i lasted 5/half hours in the $3k and went all-in with a/q clubs and being called by jacks and although aces and queens were showing a lot this time they didn`t want to play,at that time i was down to 2.5k in chips and well below everyone else so knew that no matter what i was gonna do i was gonna get put in no matter what i done .. so on reflection , now i am going to take some time away from the game and decide if i still want make this as a career. many thanks to everyone for their good lucks and support,i really do appreciate it:notworthy :notworthy and here endeth my blog..............

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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog Hard luck, least you represented PL well and so have the others :clap I can't give experienced advice but i'll just say just do whatever makes you happy and if poker ain't making you happy then maybe move on :unsure. However, make a proper choice - if you want - in a few weeks time when your head is clearer. :ok

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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog Hi,must be gutted m8 hard enough to go out of any tournament,but these were big uns,but from your reports you played them just right had a perfect read in the 1st but rivered by a caller with garbage:wall ,2nd somehow they had a read on you or maybe just thought you missed but you did nothing wrong.3rd you lost a race we all play them just the gods didn't smile on you. If they are not smiling on you nothing you can do as you well know,but you had the game to get there and you know you can play well enough so would follow nades and your own advice and give yourself some time to think about it before deciding anything also as col said it cost you nowt and must of been a great experience to be on the big stage. all the best Paul

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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog Well Al obviously you're disappointed but even so you've played in THREE wsop events in one year. It may not have been your time this time but if you are happy with the way you played then don't be too hard on yourself. Enjoy the rest of your time in Vegas and let loose. Well done Spidey. :ok

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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog The poker gods cannot smile on everyone simultaneously. From what I have read, your play wasn't to blame for your exits, just a slice of luck. I imagine there are plenty of seasoned pro's out there playing in a number of events/satellites etc who come home from the WSOP without cashing or even going deep in a tournament. Don't be too hard on yourself.:ok

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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog bad luck al:sad just when you could do with a little luck it deserts you. hope you enjoyed your time there ,and at least you can come back knowing you didnt make a error to go out:ok have a break mate;) things always seem bad after a couple of rough hands that knock you out of tourneys, being in the wsop makes it about 100 worse i would guess . you got a free holiday for nothing so why give up? if you were good enough to win the seats why not do it again:ok you dont need to turn pro ,just carry on playing in your spare time till you hit a good win or build your bankroll sufficiently then do it. if you give up completely then you still have to work anyway, and also i think you would be wasteing a skill that you have. also i bet good money that all you have heard all day is brian carping on about cashing in the palace:zzz :zzz its enough to put anyone off poker for life:lol :lol :lol . anyway hope you enjoy the rest of your time :ok and tell brian not to take the mick out or morls if he doesn't cash again.

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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog I'm sure you'll be giving it your all to get there again next year :ok Did you play in the World Cup Finals in Germany last year? No? Did you play in the Cricket World Cup in the Windies this year? No? Did you play in the Superbowl in Miami in January? No? How about the Olympics in Athens back in 2004? Or the Winter Olympics in Turin in 2006? No? What about the World Seies of Poker in Vegas in 2007? Looking forward to your blog next year, when you'll be stronger and more experienced :ok

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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog

bad luck al:sad just when you could do with a little luck it deserts you. hope you enjoyed your time there ,and at least you can come back knowing you didnt make a error to go out:ok
Firstly, congrats on getting to the WSOP, 3 events in one year is a huge achivement, i'd love to be there next year. Remember you're there because you deserve to be there, the change from single day to multi day tourneys must be massive. Look upon at as an educational trip. you had fun, and made some mistakes. I've commented on two of your hands, and i thought long and hard before doing so, my dad used to say "everyone thinks they're Jim Baxter from the Broomloan Road", meaning it's easy to say what should be done, when you're sitting safe away from the action with no pressure or involvement In theory I'd have folded the 2nd set of 9's with the overcards and not pushed with AQ, for me its the hand of death preflop, you're going to be behind to any caller. But I wasn't the guy in the chair, so I have no idea of the pressure you were under, no criticism from me Remember you did the whole trip on someone elses dollar. You must be a vastly stronger player now. You're lucky to get that kinda education for free. Enjoy Vegas it's a great city, my advice would be to forget about Poker for the rest of your trip. The WSOP will always be on your mind if you're playing. I'd do some touristy stuff, go to the hoover dam, take a chopper flight down the grand canyon, go the LV Gun Store, bang a striper. I'm sure you'll be back stronger next year.
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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog :D:D thanks guys, you are right,i posted just after the 3k and now the dust has settled i feel better,has been hard and the pressure i was under was a bit difficult to bear,but when a guy who recognised me from one of the apat tourneys turns to me and asks if i am a pro,that made me smile..... i have had a good day today,having met alun bowden and chilling in planet hollywood and watching bri win his tourney,never gonna forget his 7/4 suited to treble up:loon:loon,was good meeting voj also. so now for a few days off and chill with the family and i dont suppose it will be too long before i start bad-beating you lot again:tongue2:tongue2:lol:lol thanks again for all your kind words and support alan

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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog right,it has been a couple of days now and have had time to reflect on my time in the W.S.O.P. the experience was a once in a lifetime dream as i will never have the opportunity to play 3 attempts in this and i only just realise how lucky i have been. i was expecting a lot more from pokersatellites and not just to have been there to buy me in,they might just as well have given me the money and be done with it,because i still cant work out what they actually wanted from this promotion of theirs!!! did i play badly? i don`t think so,fridays game i did well only to be beaten by someone who shouldn`t have been in the hand and to be rivered like that did hurt a lot. saturday,no complaints,i shouldn`t have played my hand but having only played 2 hands in the previous 2 hours it was hard not too. sunday,apart from the 1st half hour when i bottled a bluff as it seemed too early in the game to be going all-in,i was happy with my game.i lasted a good 5 and half hours and played okay. las vegas; what a place,and if i had had the resources to really get into this town my time would have been more enjoyable,lets hope my next visit will be more organised and to have my family with me. brian (mcfc);what can i say about this man that hasn`t been said already?,he put up with my rantings etc and he made my stay in vegas so much more enjoyable.i would have been lost on my own. stand up and take a :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy mate,your a diamond and once again a massive THANKYOU mate. voiceofjoe; it was great to finally meet you and i hope you had a good time, and what can you say about alun bowden?,a top bloke and it was an honour to meet you.i look forward to having a good drink with you:ok so,overall,a lot of positives to be taken out of this and to see and meet so many pro`s was a delight. well that pretty much wraps up my blog for this year,and here is hoping for the main event next year. thankyou all for taking time out to read and post here,:ok a.t.b. everyone alan

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