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teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog


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well i aint sure if anyone will read this but i am gonna try and keep a daily diary while i am in vegas. i have great company coming with me, MCFC (Brian as most of you know). we fly out at 11.25am thursday and arrive 13.40pm ,,vegas is 8 hours behind u.k. time. i aint very good at this sort of thing, so be patient with me:ok i expect my next post to written in vegas, alan

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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog

Cool :ok Looking forward to reading this :ok
9am : woke up to the sound of mcfook snoring and talking in his sleep....cant make out what he's saying but it sounds like " fenners i love you " 10am... go to cash tables, bad beat 11am... yep you guessed, bad beat again! 12pm.... sat at my wsop event, gonna be easy this.... 1pm.... moved to tv table and sat next to phil hellmuth and devilfish 2pm.... limp with J2 and hellmuth pushes with KK, i call instantly and a cruel 4 card str8 takes hellmuth out and he goes into a tirade against " fricken internet qualifiers, im the best player on the planet, and you calling me with that shit" Think i just soiled myself with laughter! to be continued:ok
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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog thursday; met up with mcfook,who looked totally fooked,ranting about some fat family having 100 cases as big as them on his transfer bus from the hotel to the airport:rollin flight was uneventful,apart from coming in to land,felt like a bloody rollercoaster,,bloody women drivers:loon :loon met chris from pokersatellites and his brother in hotel foyer,who then gave me the key to our room,verrrry nice,,have a view of caesars palace,imperial palace. staright to the bar for drinks after freshening up,then dinner and bed by 8 ,4oc uk time 1st day endeth,

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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog Today's Field We had 1,619 runners in today's $2,000 No-Limit Hold-Em event and that created a prize pool of $2,946,580. The top 153 finishers will cash, with those who just crack the bubble taking home $3,831. And in addition to the priceless bracelet, the winner of today's event will also be $599,467 richer.

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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog

Today's Field We had 1,619 runners in today's $2,000 No-Limit Hold-Em event and that created a prize pool of $2,946,580. The top 153 finishers will cash, with those who just crack the bubble taking home $3,831. And in addition to the priceless bracelet, the winner of today's event will also be $599,467 richer.
If Al wins it, shall we have a whip-round for the extra $533, just to make it a nice round number?
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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog Other Big Names Other well-known players in today's field are Isabelle Mercier, Erica Schoenberg, Phil Laak, Joe Sebok, Vanessa Rousso, and Paul Wolfe. Big Names In Today's Field There are still quite a few empty seats in the room but so far we've spotted T.J. Cloutier, Men "The Master" Nguyen, Humberto Brenes, and David "DevilFish" Ulliott.

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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog :sadwell my 1st foray into the wsop has ended after 3 and half hours.. was doing well had more than my starting chips and a rep as a rock...have had one h/u with player before when my a/k beat his a/8,so he knows me and i have sussed out his play.. anyway here goes,and i know a lot of you will think wtf were you doing in that hand,but i was there:ok i am in seat 3 and get dealt 9/9 and the guy in seat 1 raises 2x blind (blinds are 100/200),i call and everyone else folds. flop is 2/2/3, i am thinking this is good:),cos there is no way he has either. he bets 400 again i go over the top with another 1k,thinking if he bets right off i`m folding..it takes an age and he decides to put me all-in to steal the pot,i have the read on him and just know he has nothing,i go all-in...he has a/8 and his face is a picture:nana:nana:nana:nana anyway the turn is a 6 and i`m thinking oh yes a nice double up:clap well now the poker gods think feck you matey,and the river shows an ace :@:wall:wall:wall:wall:@ you should have seen my face,,grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. seat 1 is very apologetic and says he made such a bad call but didnt put me on a pair,i`m thinking you have watched me play for the last 3 hours wtf did you put me on,and if i see him again i will ask him,cos the last time we were h/u as i said i had him beat,anyway enough of that,i`ve now gotta get my head ready for the crap-shoot tomorrow which is the $1500 event 27. have a little time now to explore vegas,so gonna pop over to imperial and caesars... catch you all later:ok

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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog

2pm.... limp with J2 and hellmuth pushes with KK, i call instantly and a cruel 4 card str8 takes hellmuth out and he goes into a tirade against " fricken internet qualifiers, im the best player on the planet, and you calling me with that shit" Think i just soiled myself with laughter! to be continued:ok
Morls, thats very very funny, Me Lou and Donna have just come in from a night out - Donna is trying to cop off with Lou - I might have to sling her out in a bit :lol Unlucky AL - still two more attempts to go, good luck fella.:hope
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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog

Morls, thats very very funny, Me Lou and Donna have just come in from a night out - Donna is trying to cop off with Lou - I might have to sling her out in a bit :lol Unlucky AL - still two more attempts to go, good luck fella.:hope
donna thought it as gay pride weekend again ( i think its wishful thinging on her behalf) what can i say i irisitible to all (i wish ;) ) unlucky alan, good luck in the next tourney.
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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog thanks guys and gals me and brian have just got back from imperial palace after playing in a $50 rebuy,of which neither has to do,and i finished 7th and brian 3rd:loon:loon anyway absolutely mcfooked and off to bed and so endeth the friday, better luck i hope in the crapfest that will be the $1500 event 27.. god it is so hot over here:loon:loon:loon:loon

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Re: teaulc`s W.S.O.P. blog $1500 event 25... well i am sorry to say i made the 1st break just,,,after two hours of playing i am out:loon :sad ...pocket 9`s done me in again, i have played only 2 hands before this ,i had a/k diamonds and raised 3xbb ,all fold and i call an all-in of 650 with k/q spades,he has k/q diamonds,split pot.. so to the 3rd hand i get as i say pocket 9`s,utg i raise 4xbb (blinds are 100/200)(also this was how the table was pretty much being played,with no standard calls),2 callers... flop comes down with 2 of the same suit not sure which but it was q/10/7...seat 5 calls,i am in seat 6 and raise 5xbb (i know i shouldnt be in this hand but it feels good),seat 8 calls and so does seat 5...turn is a rag.. seat 5 checks,(i put him on a flush draw), i raise, and seat 8 calls and so does seat 5 river of no use to anyone, seat 5 checks, i raise, and seat 8 calls,seat 5 folds seat 5 was chasing a flush which i guessed,but seat 8 had the 10:sad ,now i have 350 chips left and wondering why seat 8 wasn`t putting me on a queen , 3 hands played in 2 hours and i am damn near out,,crazy..... anyway after the break i am dealt 7/2o go all -in,2 callers ... flop is 7/6/3 and i am thinking come on baby but the turn was a king and the river an ace and that is the end of my second adventure in the wsop.. t.b.c.

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