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Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas


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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas A nice cash in the $50 rebuy at the IP lastnight finished 3rd, woop :clap After I tucked Alan up in bed I went out to an all night swingers party, so only had 3 hours sleep :eyes. I was going to do a sat this morning but I missed them so I'm off back to bed. Just caught some players lastnight in the $2500 horse and the $3000 stud hi lo. The legend that is fossilman :clap:clap image072dh8.jpg Andy Block image073nx2.jpg Mike Sexton image074by5.jpg Marcel Luske image075nr5.jpg and the amazingly awesome Liz Lieu :tongue2:tongue2 not surprisingly there was a big crowd round her table so this was the best shot I could get :ok image077qf6.jpg

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas DONT PLAY POKER AT O'SHEAS - the robbing bastids raked a 1/3 of the prize pool!!! Play beer pong at O'Sheas though it is the new pool:cheers It is all my fault you know that your hero Alan is not doing well and I apologise for that. I had him up again until the wee hours drinking Rum and Coke's and playing Paigow Poker :eyes I trapped off with a canadian bloke :ok he kept going on about seeing his Vancouver and taking him up to Whistler. (I made my excuses and left) I'm switching to the WPT at the Bellagio today doing a Sat into their $1000K (unless VOJ leads me astray down to the beer pong tables :nana )

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas Well VOJ turns up, I lose my 100% FT record and he cashes in his first ever Vegas tourney :clap :clap . Played at Planet Hollywood yesterday big improvement since its refurb from the Aladdin, great new poker room with well structured tourneys. Met up with AlunB lastnight and had a few beers while we watched the final table of the HORSE, awesome to watch Phil Ivey in action he has so much table presence. Watched and videoed Hellmuth for a while in the $3K, he had a rant that will be going on youtube soon :ok . Met up with Alex Scott he is in the Razz tourney and was still going strong when I left late lastnight so he may have made day two. It is our lastnight tonight so we are hitting the town with AlunB trying to lead him astray :beer :nana :nana :beer

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas WOOP WOOP :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap Finally got my first vegas tourney win $60 rebuy at PH 85 runners and I gave them a master class :tongue2 Back atcha Tipper, Uber and Morls :lol :lol :lol (oh and VOJ and TULK cashed as well)

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas Virgin have cancelled our flight :wall:wall We have to stop here another night all expenses paid in the Hilton (might watch Barry tonight) I'm fooked though cant get home form Gatwick tomorrow :cry:cry

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas hd_eventdetails.gif

2007 38th Annual World Series of Poker
Seven Card Stud (Event 32)
Rio Hotel & Casino - Tuesday, June 19, 2007 to Wednesday, June 20, 2007
bluecorner_left.gifbluebar_resultschips.gifbluebar_div.gifbluebar_updates.gifbluebar_div.gifbluebar_structure.gif bluecorner_right.gif
Buy-In: $2,000Entries: tbdRebuys/Add-ons: 0Total Prize Pool: tbd
CHIP COUNTS pp_com_tourney.gifpb_pnews.gif
Time Stamp: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 12:51:26 PM
PlayerChip CountTrend
Gary Priegen25,600
Daniel Negreanu24,075
Tam Nguyen23,575
Levon Torosyan22,600
Vasilis Lazarou21,025
Nick Frangos19,325
Jeffrey Lisandro18,700
Michael Huguenot18,525
Nesbitt Coburn18,500
Jim Pechoc18,300
Yueqi Zhu18,275
Brad Berman17,775
Cyndy Violette17,000
Miami John Cernuto16,775
Marcel Luske16,750
Mickey Seagle16,550
Howard Lederer16,425
Theo Jorgensen15,825
Scott Epstein15,350
Chip Reese15,075
Neal Friets14,475
Darrell Dicken14,075
John Richardson13,975
Billy Cohen13,400
Robert Sherer13,175
James Moutsatsos12,800
Bruce Atkinson12,450
Bill "Bumpereno" Munley12,375
Paul Darden11,825
Ed Margolin11,800
Shane Douglas11,750
Mitchell Ledis11,650
Franco Brunetti11,550
Jan Sorensen11,100
Chris Reslock10,850
Mohammed Hosseini10,600
Ryon Nicholson10,525
John Brewer10,325
Grant Gevremont9,350
Brian Nadell9,325
Cory Zeidman9,200
Skip Wilson9,175
Danny Kim9,075
David Brody8,725
Steve Figgins8,725
Christian Thorn8,550
Allen Kessler8,550
Theo Nerantzinis8,525
Dan Torla8,475
Kirill Gerasimov8,200
Mel Judah7,925
Greg Pappas7,725
Roy MacPherson7,400
Severin Walser7,350
John Grace6,625
Steve Weiss6,575
James Ross6,525
Martin Tonnesen6,425
Matt Grapenthien6,325
David Blatte6,100
Chris "Jesus" Ferguson5,975
Farshad Cohen5,850
Minh Nguyen5,350
Steven Hoefs5,250
Vafa Kamali5,225
Peter Lios5,000
Jim DeMartini4,825
Donna Varlotte4,775
David Chiu4,725
Robert Labella4,650
John Robertson4,375
Randy Carter4,150
David Bradley4,075
Joe Brandenburg4,025
Robert Brobst3,650
Frank Armas3,250
Jim Nelson2,900
Doug Carli2,750
Robert Stevanovski2,475
Mark Vronskiy2,175
Stanley Chao2,150
Eric Grasnel1,325
Alex Kravchenko1,225
James Greenzang900
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

:ok :ok Cheers Morls' date=' cant see his name so assume he's gone.[/quote'] I remember from last year - the lists aren't complete - only "selected" players - so his absence means nothing....
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas hi people fecking stuck in las vegas airport for the next 6 hours before the re-scheduled flight:@ :@ ...they have offered us 25000 v-airmiles,woopy-doo,,wtf am i gonna do with 25000 airmiles,,have lost 2 days pay,the wife has kicked me out of the house,got an extra day plus to pay on car-parking so feeling this week has been a right downer:sad brian has it worse tho, because he missed his connecting flight as they cancelled the virgin flight it was gonna be a nightmare for him to get home if he joined this flight. so he went off this morning for the flight to chicago and then onto manchester...while he is at the airport,he finds out that chicago`s computers had gone down:wall :wall :wall :wall not been the best of weeks that is for sure............... on a lighter note,voj went out in 130th position last night,going by his text to brian,:clap :clap :clap i would like to say here a big thankyou to brian:ok :ok :ok :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy , without him i would have been lost completely as mein hosts only appearances were to buy me into the events each day and then they checked out the day before i did,,,make of that what you will. so the most i saw of pokersatellites crew was 30 minutes for the whole time i was here:loon so that pretty much sums up my time in vegas, went out to bad play by a muppet on friday,i badly played on saturday,sunday just unlucky with the cards,cancelled flight on the way home and god knows what when i get there..... all the very best to brian next week when he comes back for his game,i sincerely hope he cashes in big time:hope :hope :hope ,,he has had a lot to put up with

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

hi people fecking stuck in las vegas airport for the next 6 hours before the re-scheduled flight:@ :@ ...they have offered us 25000 v-airmiles,woopy-doo,,wtf am i gonna do with 25000 airmiles,,have lost 2 days pay,the wife has kicked me out of the house,got an extra day plus to pay on car-parking so feeling this week has been a right downer:sad
I'm pretty sure you can turn v-points into cash, I think that works out at 250 quid.
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

I'm pretty sure you can turn v-points into cash' date=' I think that works out at 250 quid.[/quote'] sorry mate,they are not the same as v-points they are flying club airmiles of which i have no use of at all,,,you can change v-points to airmiles but not the other way:sad
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

hi people fecking stuck in las vegas airport for the next 6 hours before the re-scheduled flight:@ :@ ...they have offered us 25000 v-airmiles,woopy-doo,,wtf am i gonna do with 25000 airmiles,,have lost 2 days pay,the wife has kicked me out of the house,got an extra day plus to pay on car-parking so feeling this week has been a right downer:sad brian has it worse tho, because he missed his connecting flight as they cancelled the virgin flight it was gonna be a nightmare for him to get home if he joined this flight. so he went off this morning for the flight to chicago and then onto manchester...while he is at the airport,he finds out that chicago`s computers had gone down:wall :wall :wall :wall not been the best of weeks that is for sure............... on a lighter note,voj went out in 130th position last night,going by his text to brian,:clap :clap :clap i would like to say here a big thankyou to brian:ok :ok :ok :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy , without him i would have been lost completely as mein hosts only appearances were to buy me into the events each day and then they checked out the day before i did,,,make of that what you will. so the most i saw of pokersatellites crew was 30 minutes for the whole time i was here:loon so that pretty much sums up my time in vegas, went out to bad play by a muppet on friday,i badly played on saturday,sunday just unlucky with the cards,cancelled flight on the way home and god knows what when i get there..... all the very best to brian next week when he comes back for his game,i sincerely hope he cashes in big time:hope :hope :hope ,,he has had a lot to put up with
What a mess. :\ Looks like they landed now, but even that was 2 hours late. :eyes I fcukin hate big plane delays, there's nothing you can do but just sit there pretty much. :(
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

You can exchange them for a £100 Virgin wine voucher and drown your sorrows mate. If you don't know how to do this' date=' PM me and I'll show you. :ok[/quote'] Despite what he says :tongue2 I'm sure Al will soon be travelling the world again to play poker - I think he'll get far more value by hanging on to them and using them towards flights......
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas Yes a nightmare. Virgin cancelled the flight on Tuesday and they were not really sure when it would be flying, then to add insult to injury they put us in a crap downtown hotel. So I needed to get home and couldn't spend another day there so forked out $1k on a early flight to Chicago and a connection to Manchester. Unknowing to me until about an hour before my Chicago flight United Airlines system was down and there was big delays. I had a 2 hour connection time with a 2.5 hour delay :loon wtf!! Fortunately there were 18 others in the same boat and they held the plane at Chicago and we were whisked past the queue's at security and straight to the gate.:ok:ok Thought I was going to meet myself going back over at one point but it worked out Ok as I got into Manchester at 8am this morning but if I had stayed with Virgin I would have still been at Gatwick now. Just to clear up VOJ, he finished 160th, he was going well at one stage so it must have gone tits up in the wee hours. He had a great experience as he had Mel Juda, Jesus and fossilman on tables just around him and he played at being the fish on the table very well when I was railing :lol

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