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Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas


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Right Alan and I are off in the morning and Martyn is joining us on Saturday. Our days are going to be split between 14 hours of poker and 8 hours of drinking but if we manage to find time to do any updates we will put them in here. :ok

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas hadn`t realised brian had started this thread:eyes :eyes i am playing in event 25,$2000 no-limit holdem on the 15th,event 27,$1500,on the 16th, same as,unless i make the 2nd day of event 25 then i get the buy-in for event 27...and event 28 $3000,same as.unless i have made the final table of event 25 or 2nd day of event 27 where i will then get the buyin for event 28:loon :loon my head hurts now.... i believe brian is playing the $1500 event 27... i am not sure with martyn,i think it is the event 29 seven-card razz:eek :eek

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

i am not sure with martyn' date='i think it is the event 29 seven-card razz:eek :eek[/quote'] I'm in event 32 Seven Card Stud starts on the Tuesday ;) ,another of the Inside Poker/Full Tilt winners is in the razz tourney on the 17th. I hope to get some updates on here, and on my own blog ....
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas All is good Early night lastnight :zzz Alan starts his first game in 2hours and he is remarkably confident :clap We have just found out you need to reg with CASH :loon I've told thm I dont carry cash (do you know who I am and all that) so I`ll have to win the seat via a sat now :hope Edit: Just remember we went down to the Amazon room lastnight it was the last couple of tables of thr $5000 and we watched Phil Lak and TJ Cloutier in action. Also watched the start of the $3000 stud 8 with lots of big names in. Then in the lobby this morning I bumped into the buddist legend that is Andy Black!!

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

All is good Early night lastnight :zzz Alan starts his first game in 2hours and he is remarkably confident :clap I'm off to do a sat. We have just found out you need to reg with CASH :loon I've told thm I dont carry cash so I`ll have to win the sat now :hope
go get 'em :ok
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

All is good We have just found out you need to reg with CASH :loon I've told thm I dont carry cash (do you know who I am and all that) so I`ll have to win the seat via a sat now :hope
Thats bad news I was planning doin it by Card !! :( - Can you make a determined effort on the cash tables tonight so I can borrow a couple of $K when I arrive Failing that I s'pose there must be somewhere to get the cash via your card even if they charge a few extra $:unsure
Then in the lobby this morning I bumped into the buddist legend that is Andy Black!!
Did he realise he had just bumped into the legend that is McFook :)
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas Martyn another way is to do a wire transfer to the Rio before you come over and then pay in tournament chips. ATM's will charge $5 per withdrawal and there will be a maximum you can draw a day depending on your provider. Forget Credit card cash advances they are extortinate. I can put it on our hotel room as we are staying at the RIO and the room is not in our name but I may have eight brothers from Vanatua chasing me round vegas for a while

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas Bad news and badder news I just donked out of my sat in 5th (Andre Agassi won it) Then I went of to find Al and get an update and found he is in the Pavillion (tent to you and I) out the back. I finally find it and it has a sign on the door 'No spectators at the moment' ignoring this I just walk in and try and find Al. I am then confronted by a gorilla with a lisp. Gorilla: "did you see the thign thir" Me: "what thign?" Gorilla: "the one that thays no thepectators" Me (in a moment of wisdom): "I don't have any potatoes" Ouch :spank:spank:spank bump and I'm outside. I think I would have got away with it if I didn't have a PL t-shirt on :lol:lol

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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

Bad news and badder news I just donked out of my sat in 5th (Andre Agassi won it) Then I went of to find Al and get an update and found he is in the Pavillion (tent to you and I) out the back. I finally find it and it has a sign on the door 'No spectators at the moment' ignoring this I just walk in and try and find Al. I am then confronted by a gorilla with a lisp. Gorilla: "did you see the thign thir" Me: "what thign?" Gorilla: "the one that thays no thepectators" Me (in a moment of wisdom): "I don't have any potatoes" Ouch :spank:spank:spank bump and I'm outside. I think I would have got away with it if I didn't have a PL t-shirt on :lol:lol
:rollin :rollin That's the one thing I didn't like about Vegas, you couldn't watch the WSOP, ridiculous really. :\
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Re: Tulk, Mook and VOJ are off to Vegas

:rollin :rollin That's the one thing I didn't like about Vegas, you couldn't watch the WSOP, ridiculous really. :\
You can rail in the main Amazon room but not the TV table this is just the pavilion out the back where I guess it is a bit cramped and they were not letting potatoes in.
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