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bit of advise on this hand


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Playing a $5 STT on virgin last night and got dealt pocket Kings! ***** Hand 648015144 ***** 25.00/50.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 11 June 2007 21:49:37 Speed 3 min blinds (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: rastafraze (1500.00) Seat 2: tom_ka (1080.00) Seat 3: sean2107 (1455.00) Seat 4: Osfuor (1470.00) Seat 5: 1johnb (1500.00) Seat 6: Teutoni (1500.00) Seat 7: jalmika (2055.00) Seat 8: Richidoff (1470.00) Seat 9: schouwy (1470.00) Seat 10: NicolaM (1500.00) Osfuor post SB 25.00 1johnb post BB 50.00 ** Deal ** rastafraze [N/A, N/A] tom_ka [N/A, N/A] sean2107 [Ks, Kh] Osfuor [N/A, N/A] 1johnb [N/A, N/A] Teutoni [N/A, N/A] jalmika [N/A, N/A] Richidoff [N/A, N/A] schouwy [N/A, N/A] NicolaM [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** Teutoni Fold jalmika Fold Richidoff Call 50.00 schouwy Fold NicolaM Call 50.00 rastafraze Fold tom_ka Call 50.00 sean2107 Raise to 300.00 Osfuor Fold 1johnb All-in 1500.00 Richidoff Fold NicolaM All-in 1500.00 tom_ka Fold sean2107 All-in 1455.00 Did i make the wrong move here by calling? not much info to go on as it was not many hands into the game! What would every one else of done, or what do you see as the right move?

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Re: bit of advise on this hand

Playing a $5 STT on virgin last night and got dealt pocket Kings! Did i make the wrong move here by calling? not much info to go on as it was not many hands into the game! What would every one else of done, or what do you see as the right move?
I put this through pokerstove and assumed player 1 would shove top 14% of hands and player 2 call with top 17% of hands and you are about 60% to win (see below) - if you expand player 2's options to incude calling with any Ax + a few more suited connectors (down to 76s) then you are are still about 60% to win however, if we narrow player 2 to AA-1010 and AK/AQ suited and offsuit (which I think is more of a reasonable range - or at least should be:eyes ) you are about 55% to win so depends if you feel you are a better player then the rest and can afford to fold and pick your spots later? if so then fold, if not then call and hope that one of them doesn't have Aces:hope or outdraws you:ok Damo Text results appended to pokerstove.txt 35,642,345,508 games 61.672 secs 577,933,997 games/sec Board: Dead: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 61.543% 60.96% 00.58% 21728081980 207113173.33 { KcKd } Hand 1: 20.487% 19.74% 00.74% 7036725630 265288347.33 { 77+, A8s+, K9s+, QTs+, JTs, ATo+, KJo+, QJo } Hand 2: 17.971% 17.31% 00.66% 6168982122 236154255.33 { 22+, ATs+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, ATo+, KTo+, QTo+, JTo }
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Re: bit of advise on this hand I think to fold pocket Kings pre flop takes some knowledge of your opponents. Since both your opponents still have 1500 we can presume that up until this point neither have played a hand. I'd be surprised if NicolaM was ahead of you since she only called the BB initially. The biggest worry is whether your Kings will hold up against 2 opponents. Having said all that I'd happily call and take my chances.

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Re: bit of advise on this hand Thanks for the info guys, very indepth and will help in my future desision making!! here is the rest of the hand: *** Flop(Board): *** : [3c, 6c, 8h] *** Turn(Board): *** : [3c, 6c, 8h, Jc] *** River(Board): *** : [3c, 6c, 8h, Jc, Kd] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 4580.00 rastafraze Fold Win: 0.00 tom_ka Fold Win: 0.00 sean2107 [Ks, Kh] Three of a kind, kings Win: 4490.00 Osfuor Fold Win: 0.00 1johnb [Qs, Qc] Pair of queens Win: 0.00 Teutoni Fold Win: 0.00 jalmika Fold Win: 0.00 Richidoff Fold Win: 0.00 schouwy Fold Win: 0.00 got very lucky but just couldnt lay it down! but at least i know for future games that in the same posision i can happly do the same

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