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Hellmuth wins 11th Bracelet

Crouch Potato

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Andy Philachack moved all in and Phil Hellmuth made the call. Philachack turned over Aclub.gif 10club.gif and Hellmuth turned over Aspade.gif 3heart.gif. Fate was thick in the air as the board hit the table 9heart.gif 4club.gif 3diamond.gif Qheart.gif Jheart.gif. Hellmuth won his record eleventh gold bracelet by winning the $1,500 no-limit hold'em event. He took home $637,254 in prize money, but more importantly he made history by topping Doyle Brunson and Johnny Chan for the all-time lead in number of World Series of Poker bracelets. Philahack was eliminated in second place and he took home $394,594 in prize money. http://www.cardplayer.com/tournaments/live_updates/7236

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Re: Hellmuth wins 11th Bracelet

Andy Philachack moved all in and Phil Hellmuth made the call. Philachack turned over Aclub.gif 10club.gif and Hellmuth turned over Aspade.gif 3heart.gif. Fate was thick in the air as the board hit the table 9heart.gif 4club.gif 3diamond.gif Qheart.gif Jheart.gif. Hellmuth won his record eleventh gold bracelet by winning the $1' date=500 no-limit hold'em event. He took home $637,254 in prize money, but more importantly he made history by topping Doyle Brunson and Johnny Chan for the all-time lead in number of World Series of Poker bracelets. Philahack was eliminated in second place and he took home $394,594 in prize money. http://www.cardplayer.com/tournaments/live_updates/7236
Hard to deny that he is brilliant... hes got alot of time on Johnny and doyle to pick up quite a few more aswell...
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Re: Hellmuth wins 11th Bracelet A board of Qdiamond.gif 8diamond.gif 7heart.gif 6diamond.gif Kclub.gif sat on the table when Hellmuth bet $250,000, Philachack called and the river brought the Kclub.gif. Philachack led out for $300,000 and Hellmuth quickly called. Philachack turned over 7diamond.gif 4heart.gif. Hellmuth flipped over Aheart.gif 9spade.gif and took down the fourth pot in a row. Must be an error here... or is it me?

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Re: Hellmuth wins 11th Bracelet Nice one Phil!! :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy:notworthy :D:D Total Poker legend - and has a character as well! :lol

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Re: Hellmuth wins 11th Bracelet Select WSOP Tournament

Event 15, No-Limit Hold'em

  • Buy-In $1,500
  • Entrants 2,628
  • Total Prize Money $3,587,220
  • Date Jun 9, 2007
  • Final Day Jun 11, 2007

PlaceTop Money FinishersPrize Money
1.phil helmuth (teaulc)$637,254
2.Andy Philacheck$394,594
3.Rick Fuller$247,518
4.Morgan Machina$161,425
5.Scott Clements$112,997
6.David Simon$82,506
7.Fabrice Soulier$64,570
8.Ut Nguyen$48,427
9.Taylor Douglas$38,025
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Re: Hellmuth wins 11th Bracelet good for him - he can be a twat - but can't fault him as a tourny player had a look through the other results - Devilfish finished third, Ivey 2nd, Ferguson a couple of FT appearances, so it looks likes the pro's have finally figured out how to play against the 'amateurs' Cheers Damo

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Re: Hellmuth wins 11th Bracelet :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana :clap :nana HHHHHHUUUUUMMMMBBBBEEEEERRRRRTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... :cow :ok :cow :ok :cow :ok :cow :ok :cow :ok :cow :ok :cow :ok :cow :ok :cow :ok :cow :ok :cow :ok :cow :ok :cow :ok :cow :ok :cow .... I believe it is... great personality... great for tv... great results, however 11 WSOP braclets is quite an achievment... there are many people out there getting consistent results but we don't praise them all (That would be hard) so lets just focus on the crybaby's that win the TV events (BTW I am a fan of Hellmouth at times... great player... no real complaints about the attitude either)

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Re: Hellmuth wins 11th Bracelet

Is that The Shark? He *really* gets on my nerves :sad
Humberto "The Shark" Brenes is a total legend. In fact, I dance like a cow whenever I get the chance to watch him. A bit like this - :cow . While I enjoy watching Hellmuth play, I'd chin him if he went off on one at my table. Might get a small penalty for it :tongue2 . He went off on a rant before the final table when he made a big deal of folding pokcet sevens pre-flop after a re-raise all-in and an all-in call. Idiot. Standard poker there. That being said, watching him on Channel Four last night was an absolute treat.
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Re: Hellmuth wins 11th Bracelet Was thinking of starting a new thread but might as well bang it in here. Just watched the final table of the 5k NL WSOP 2007 online and a 21yr old guy won it who looks younger than me but a tonne more geeky. Anyway he played ok, got a lot of decent hands, but the guy who came second literally only played one hand (yes ONE) on the final table, including laying down a lot of decent enough hands. Considering he had one of the lesser stacks going into the final table it was a bit of an achievment but all he had to do was watch the others knock eachother out :lol Going into HU the chip leader had 6mill. The other guy had 450k. A slight mis-match, but crazily the small stack kept on folding his hands HU :loon Afraid to say i think the guy Fox his name is, is english. I reccomend watching any tables you can on worldseriesofpoker.com was good action and commentary :ok

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Re: Hellmuth wins 11th Bracelet Fair play to Hellmuth, he's turned himself into a succesful brand, in a similar way that beckham as to football, and he's backed it up by winning another braclet. I honestly believe that if I was to play against him on a regular basis, I'd have him, but youve got to give him full credit from coming from nothing and becoming the most successful WSOP player in the world sofar. Full respect and all the best to him, he's an entertainer and a pleasure to watch, but in this poker environment I'd be very suprised if he continued to be as succesful for the same period fo time as some of the older greats, and in the same respect as time goes on,it will harder for people to match him.

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Re: Hellmuth wins 11th Bracelet In the early days of Channel 4 Poker, Hellmuth wore a jacket and tie and, while not averse to conversational 'mind games', was professional in every sense. Nowadays, Ultimatebet put him in those stupid ice hockey shirts that remind me of Tom Hanks in 'Big' and he acts like a baby. These facts are not entirely uncnnected. Discuss.

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