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Not another outburst... opinions wanted...

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Hey... I realise I may have been anoying in recent times... with posts claiming to be robbed... in a fit of rage occasionally... and I have really been struggling recently... well not so much... but it just seems that everytime i get out it's in some small way unluky... I dont really mean that but on quite a few occasions I have thought it... just like a ET goal in football going against you... ... anyway In all seriousness I really need to pick my game up and I would like some opinions on this particular hand where I was told by a studious player on my table that was overplayed... no malice just curious... because personally I cant see too much wrong with it... of course if we could all see the cards... but im interested If I REALLY could have done 2 much about it... Im sure I'll hear some 'should have folded preflop' calls and fair enough... mayb.... I am on the button... which I think is important here....:ok PokerStars Game #10364000962: Tournament #52510854, $5.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2007/06/10 - 09:48:15 (ET) Table '52510854 2' 9-max Seat #5 is the button Seat 1: TNPhoenix29 (6990 in chips) is sitting out Seat 2: LordVader_1 (1925 in chips) Seat 3: Klime (1440 in chips) Seat 4: gimisa (1705 in chips) Seat 5: iChipd (2360 in chips) Seat 7: peter_802 (1650 in chips) peter_802: posts small blind 50 TNPhoenix29: posts big blind 100 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to iChipd [As Js] LordVader_1: folds Klime: folds TNPhoenix29 has returned LordVader_1 said, "K 8 eh" gimisa: raises 100 to 200 iChipd: calls 200 peter_802: folds TNPhoenix29: folds *** FLOP *** [7h 7s Kc] gimisa: checks iChipd: checks *** TURN *** [7h 7s Kc] [9s] gimisa: bets 100 iChipd: calls 100 *** RIVER *** [7h 7s Kc 9s] [6s] gimisa: bets 305 iChipd: raises 395 to 700 gimisa: raises 705 to 1405 and is all-in iChipd: calls 705 *** SHOW DOWN *** gimisa: shows [Kd Kh] (a full house, Kings full of Sevens) iChipd: shows [As Js] (a flush, Ace high) gimisa collected 3560 from pot iChipd said, "figures" *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3560 | Rake 0 Board [7h 7s Kc 9s 6s] Seat 1: TNPhoenix29 (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 2: LordVader_1 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: Klime folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: gimisa showed [Kd Kh] and won (3560) with a full house, Kings full of Sevens Seat 5: iChipd (button) showed [As Js] and lost with a flush, Ace high Seat 7: peter_802 (small blind) folded before Flop

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Re: Not another outburst... opinions wanted... Don't think there's much you can do here! It's easy to say you should fold pre-flop but I'd probably have taken a peek too!! :cry I have to add that your opponent played the hand excellently and looks to be someone that knows what he's doing! :clap TQM

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Re: Not another outburst... opinions wanted... Not going to comment on the on call pre-flop as calling a min. raise means nothing. I agree that sitting with the nuts he could afford to take the softly softly approach and pull you in and that bet on the turn did just that.

*** RIVER *** [7h 7s Kc 9s] [6s] gimisa: bets 305 iChipd: raises 395 to 700 gimisa: raises 705 to 1405 and is all-in iChipd: calls 705
The bit in bold is something I am guilty of too much and really and brutally everyone gets caught up on having made our own hand without giving a thought as to what the other player could have. When in fact thinking about it you are behind to pocket 6's, pocket 9's, 97 and even 67 and K7, all of which could conceivably be played pre flop with a min. raise. With a paired board like that I think you maybe could have just called the river bet which, imo, would change it from good play on his part to good play on your part, even if you lost the hand.
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Re: Not another outburst... opinions wanted...

Not going to comment on the on call pre-flop as calling a min. raise means nothing. I agree that sitting with the nuts he could afford to take the softly softly approach and pull you in and that bet on the turn did just that. The bit in bold is something I am guilty of too much and really and brutally everyone gets caught up on having made our own hand without giving a thought as to what the other player could have. When in fact thinking about it you are behind to pocket 6's, pocket 9's, 97 and even 67 and K7, all of which could conceivably be played pre flop with a min. raise. With a paired board like that I think you maybe could have just called the river bet which, imo, would change it from good play on his part to good play on your part, even if you lost the hand.
I see your point... I had one of those quick think... Oh he must have a lower flush or A7... etc... I had been playing a while and didnt see him even call preflop with a not so decent hand... but you are completely correct a hit set... as we cheked through and then he bet small... to draw me in I guess is really concievable... as I said I really did one of those... Yes I hit... get him allin type plays... thanks...:ok
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Re: Not another outburst... opinions wanted... tricky - I don't mind the PF call at all - its 5 handed and you have position on the raiser. I don't mind the call on the turn with the nut-flush draw either and I don't mind (too much) the raise on the river with the nut flush - however, did you think about what he might have before calling his shove? he raises PF checks the flop, makes a small bet on the turn and a bigger bet on the river and then puts you AI - he might be bluffing, but is probably not Hindsight is a wonderful thing - the raise on the river is OK, but maybe not the call to the shove - perhaps taking the softly approach on the end is better, as your raise will not be called if he has missed and he is only going to play if he has the better hand - if you call you get to see his cards anyway and make a note on what he is playing and how Damo

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Re: Not another outburst... opinions wanted... I am more inclined to say you should have re-raised preflop, then fold to a re-re raise, as you would know where you are there and then, as the kings have got to come over the top to protect against your possible ace. All action after the board takes care of itself, and you hit the card you want and that has caused you damage.

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Re: Not another outburst... opinions wanted...

The straight flush is also a possibility here
... I am inclined to think if in this type of situation... or any really a straight flush is not something to think about... you would not fold thinking oh he must have a straight flush... it just does not happen enough... in that case just bad timing... much more so than in this situation...:ok
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Re: Not another outburst... opinions wanted... I was just putting out the range of hands he can be reraising a nut flush here. Quads, Straight Flush or a Boat, he may have hit a smaller flush or even a straight he may think is ahead. but to reraise?? From betting, it seems i would put you on a nut (or maybe) high flush (or even a nick in position), the top boat is his, and a flat call preflop indicates a pair in the hand would be unusual. He played it very well, and only 2 hands beat him. Lots more that can beat you here.

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