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Poker Software Questions

Crouch Potato

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Curious question and slightly odd to explain but is there a way to graph stats from PT and then compare the results to the expected value when the money is put into the pot etc.? Everytime I seem to be going in with an overpair I seem to get sucked out and I wanted to see if I couldn't get some sort of visual going.

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Re: Poker Graphing Had a look around and asked on 2+2 and apparently there's nothing around that is like what I am looking for. Cheers for the link though. I guess I could go and enter the hands into a calculator and see what the percentages were but that is awfully tedious. Running a bit better now and almost at 1k hands, which means I'll have to start thinking about purchasing PT. Might stick up some stats once I hit 1k just for reference and what not.

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Re: Poker Software Questions Another question, this time regarding PT, I get a message saying that I should relocate the already loaded files so as to make the import process faster. Will doing this prevent me from access HH via poker tracker or anything? 1k stats too: Hands: 1052 VP$IP: 35.55% PF Raise: 8.45% Tot AF: 2.5 BB/100: 13.44 Autorate has me as an LA-A, which I actually find a bit odd as I'm very passive in a number of scenarios

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Re: Poker Software Questions The hand histories are stored in the poker rooms directory. Poker tracker has imported them into its database and there are now two copies of the hand. Next time you import from that folder, Poker Tracker has to read through (and ignore) all of the hands it has already imported. It wants you to allow it to move the files to an archive, so that it doesn't have to read through all of the hands every time (hence speeding it up) If you allow it to move the files, you still have 2 copies of the hand - the original file (now stored in an alternative location) and a copy of the hand in your PT database. :ok My recommendation is to go ahead and do it :ok

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