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Fed up with my own stupidity

Tom Hedonist

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I don't mean this as a bad beat story - mainly because it aint, its a donk play :$ But its happened a couple of times recently and its costing me money. I can't access the hand history at the mo, though I'm not sure its that important in this instance. Playing 5c/10c NLHE , I checked from the BB with 82o. The flop comes 22J. I raised to 2/3 the pot and get only one caller. "Lovely," thinks I, "He must have Jx." The turn is a six. Again I raise to 2/3 the pot, and he calls. The river is a J and I go all-in. :wall I'd already put him on the Jack, and it turned out I was right. I really don't consider this a bad beat, just stupid play. At the point I went all-in, the pot was about $5.00. I could have bet about $3 and see what my opponent did before comitting myself. I realise he could have had several other hands, but he didn't. He had the hand I put him on. Why do I keep going against my intuitions? :spank TBH, I'm not sure what I'm hoping to get out of this thread. As ultimately the answer lies with me, and if I want to be a better player I have to stop making these type of plays. Maybe just writing it out like this will cause me to think a bit more about the situation.

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Re: Fed up with my own stupidity

I TBH, I'm not sure what I'm hoping to get out of this thread. As ultimately the answer lies with me, and if I want to be a better player I have to stop making these type of plays. Maybe just writing it out like this will cause me to think a bit more about the situation.
excellent post - you know what you must do and have taken steps to sort it :clap can't do much more:ok Damo
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Re: Fed up with my own stupidity Short of the final call I don't see much you did wrong, you made large bets which he called when he was behind, at this level of game I do pot sized bets, not 2/3. I don't know what your stack sizes are, so it's impossible to make a judgement on pots odds at the end. If you're 80% certain he's got the jack, but it only costs 10% of the pot to call then it's value. Sometimes at this level you need to have the nerve to see peoples cards. I was also playing 5/10 last night, holding AcQc. Kh Jh 8s on the flop. My blind was unraised. long story short, I end up with the broadway straight at the end with one other caller, 4 hearts on the board. He bets out 5x bb and I fold. He shows me 8 2 off suit, no hearts. The call would have been only 20% of the pot, but I laid it down.

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