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Suited Ace


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Looking for a bit of advice. Playing cash games, dealt a suited ace. I like to play these, look for a flush (or two cards towards one), or bail at the flop. In a unraised pot, not a issue. but how many BB of an raise should call of a rise with one ?? Is there a forumla, related to number of peopl in pot before me, say 1 BB per previous caller can be called. I'm happier calling a 4 x BB raise with 5 callers in the pot, than a 3 x BB against a single raiser. Thoughts please

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Re: Suited Ace For me it depends on what your other card is. I will lay it down most of the time after a decent raise unless I am in good position or have a good kicker. The problem comes if you hit an A on the flop you have to be disciplined enough to lay it down.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Suited Ace Agree with Staffy, 95% its a fold. Sometimes if the blinds are low then may have a look but would have to hit 2 cards of same suit on flop to keep interested and even then depends on other bets :ok

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Re: Suited Ace I fold, normally. Which is REALLY weird actually, I don't mind playing 97o or 83o... I think it's because the A is hard to get away from if you hit it, but you're almost certainly outkicked, whereas 97o I can ditch happily unless I hit 2 pair, trips or the straight draw.

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Re: Suited Ace I've went back through my poker tracker database and A& and lower are all losers due to me limping and looking for a flush, plus a few shockers where I've hit my Ace and been out kicked. Time to drop these hands I think, they're not paying for hte occasional time I hit flushes

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