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Gambling expirience!

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I've notice somthing very intresting. Sometime we all know who is one team and how much is they strenght, and also the other opponent team (Go Norway, allready 1:0 :) ). But some time we must have smell for some games. I mean, we all know who is Italy and who is Faroe Island, and what happend, Italy won 1:2 (Faroe Island not to score, under 2.5, Italia with AH, non of it). I am talking about very big and very small teams playing. I wrote this thread because I was convinced that Poland will not win at Armenia, and all my friends played it, but some my gambling nose told me, not by quality (which is all for Poland), then my gambling expirience. I'm hoping that you know what I'm trying to say, and I am also convinced that Italy will trash LIthuania, and that is only because some "weird betting rule" say so, at least I think. I'm also intersted with your "smell" "stink" expirience. Can not remember all examples that I have but this is recent. I'm open for comments. Thanks

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Re: Gambling expirience! Respect your instincts there Vagus. Hope you had some kind of bet winning you some $$$$ in the Poland game. Personally I have a strong feel that England WILL win this tie, and win it better than Crotia and Russia against the Estonians (that is with a minimum of 2-3 goals more than the opponents. I have not betted on any games so far other than this game in this round of Euro as I feel the bookies are and have placed the markets too high. However to all fellow mates this is only my 'smell'. Hope I can be dancing :nana :nana :nana around after the end of the game:hope .

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