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DTD headhunter $10 buy in


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Re: DTD headhunter $10 buy in

Headhunter Challenge
headhunter.gif "We put a price on every head!"
LOBBY ICON hh_lobby_icon.gif Starts 31st May Scenario: You are in a tournament, playing the best poker of your life and have already knocked out five players. You are almost at the final table and now find yourself all-in with pocket aces. You take a horrible beat and walk away with a few cents more than your buyin. This won't happen in a Headhunter tournament, where you earn cash for every player you eliminate, AND still receive your share of the prize pool for making it to the money! Take your seat in a Headhunter tournament and find out if you're a predator or if you're the prey. It's a jungle out there, go hunting but don't lose your head! HOW TO PLAY The Headhunter Challenge is a new type of multi-table tournament where a player truly becomes a hunter and wins cash for every player they eliminate. A portion of every buy-in is assigned to players' "Heads". Anyone who knocks a player out of the tournament will receive cash. The more players someone eliminates, the more cash they win – and the bigger a target they become – as the value of their own head increases with every head they take!
Prize pool50% heads/50% pool
Starting head pricing50% HH rating/50% flat
Head prizes75% cash/25% head increase
All players who enter a Headhunter tournament pay the same buy-in + entry fee. The prize pool is then divided, with a portion being allocated to heads, and the rest going towards the standard prize pool. Although it's configurable, the standard Headhunter tournament will award 50% of the prize pool based upon heads that are knocked out and 50% as the regular prize pool. Headhunter Rating and the Headhunter Leaderboard Although it's configurable, the standard Headhunter tournament will calculate the value of a player's head based upon 50% of the head value prize pool spread evenly and the other 50% based upon a player's HH rating. The HH rating calculates how a player has performed in his last 15 Headhunter tournaments within a 90 day period. FORMULAS Single tournament HH value: (Number of heads eliminated from tournament/total entrants) *1000))+10 rounded to the nearest whole number, cannot be higher than 100. HH rating: Average of the HH value scores over past 15 tournaments, using a score of "10" for each missing HH value in the past 15 tournament averaging. The Headhunter Leaderboard ranks players by the percentage of players they have eliminated in the tournaments they have played. On top of that, the player at the top of the weekly leaderboard is a Weekly Poker Champion and is invited to participate in a weekly final. Step-by-Step Guide Step 1. Choose Your Headhunter Tournament In the Main Lobby, click on the Tourney tab. Headhunter tournaments can be easily identified by the unique "HH" icon displayed on the left hand side of the tournament listing. Select a Headhunter tournament that has a status of Registering by double-clicking the tournament which will bring up the Tournament Lobby. To enter the tournament, click on the Register button. The Tournament Lobby displays Headhunter statistics such as the number of heads collected in the tournament, the value of these heads and the total prize winnings, all of which are updated as the tournament progresses.
Step 2. Start Playing hh_man.gif Game play is the same as any other multi-table tournament, however just after registration closes, the value of every player's head will be calculated based on their Headhunter rating. The player Info Box displays how much each player's head is worth in the lower right corner. Knock that player out, and collect a portion of his head value (standard is 75%) and increase the price on your head! The Player Info Box shows that this player’s head is worth $7.29. Step 3 Tournament Results The tournament continues until one player wins it all. If you have collected any heads, the value of these heads will be credited to your account after the tournament has finished. If you have finished in the money, your share of the prize pool will also be credited to your account. Should you win the tournament, you get your own head value in addition to the value of the heads you collected, as well as the first place prize! Splitting Heads? There is no splitting of heads in a Headhunter tournament. If a player is eliminated by two or more players who split the pot, the value of his head is awarded to the winning player with the largest stack. If the stacks a re equal, the winning player closest to the button collects his opponent's head.
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Guest gazza271

Re: DTD headhunter $10 buy in I've played a few of these, they are network wide and start at 44 mins past the hour :ok Have tried 3 different buy ins, $3,$5 and $10 and although not finished in the money in any have covered my entrance fee in them via "scalps". Deffo one for the more aggressive players on here :ok

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