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My first tournament win at Poker Stars


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I put $100 into Poker Stars last week and have been pottering around on some low limit cash games and a handful of small entry tournaments, and managed to win one today which was against another 179 people. I am pretty chuffed and guess I wanted to share with all you great folk in here as it was a great feeling getting to final table and winning winning heads up. I got to the final table with only 12,000 chips or so and just bet aggressively when everyone was passive. My opponent Heads Up was very passive and folded every raise, and almost every small blind to me. I had a few bad beats, but more good beats for me overall, and won $216US which is a bonus too. Now I know how you guys feel when you win won of these tournaments online :cheers tourney.gif

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Re: My first tournament win at Poker Stars Here is how the last 3 hands played out. The 3rd last hand I simply called to see what he would do, as he wasn't rasing anything, then I had a little bit of luck. *********** # 3rd last ************** PokerStars Game #10227587233: Tournament #51820637, $4.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (2000/4000) - 2007/06/02 - 03:43:38 (ET) Table '51820637 7' 9-max Seat #2 is the button Seat 2: Beejayville (109521 in chips) Seat 6: Will748 (160479 in chips) Beejayville: posts the ante 200 Will748: posts the ante 200 Beejayville: posts small blind 2000 Will748: posts big blind 4000 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Beejayville [6d 9h] Beejayville: calls 2000 Will748: checks *** FLOP *** [6c Jc 8s] Will748: checks Beejayville: bets 12000 Will748: raises 12000 to 24000 Beejayville: raises 81321 to 105321 and is all-in Will748: calls 81321 *** TURN *** [6c Jc 8s] [2h] *** RIVER *** [6c Jc 8s 2h] [2s] *** SHOW DOWN *** Will748: shows [4c 9c] (a pair of Deuces) Beejayville: shows [6d 9h] (two pair, Sixes and Deuces) Beejayville collected 219042 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 219042 | Rake 0 Board [6c Jc 8s 2h 2s] Seat 2: Beejayville (button) (small blind) showed [6d 9h] and won (219042) with two pair, Sixes and Deuces Seat 6: Will748 (big blind) showed [4c 9c] and lost with a pair of Deuces *********** # 2nd last ************** PokerStars Game #10227594662: Tournament #51820637, $4.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (2000/4000) - 2007/06/02 - 03:44:42 (ET) Table '51820637 7' 9-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 2: Beejayville (219042 in chips) Seat 6: Will748 (50958 in chips) Beejayville: posts the ante 200 Will748: posts the ante 200 Will748: posts small blind 2000 Beejayville: posts big blind 4000 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Beejayville [7d Qh] Will748: folds Beejayville collected 4400 from pot Beejayville: doesn't show hand *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 4400 | Rake 0 Seat 2: Beejayville (big blind) collected (4400) Seat 6: Will748 (button) (small blind) folded before Flop *********** # Last ************** PokerStars Game #10227596085: Tournament #51820637, $4.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (2000/4000) - 2007/06/02 - 03:44:54 (ET) Table '51820637 7' 9-max Seat #2 is the button Seat 2: Beejayville (221242 in chips) Seat 6: Will748 (48758 in chips) Beejayville: posts the ante 200 Will748: posts the ante 200 Beejayville: posts small blind 2000 Will748: posts big blind 4000 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Beejayville [8h Jh] Beejayville: raises 16000 to 20000 Will748: raises 28558 to 48558 and is all-in Beejayville: calls 28558 *** FLOP *** [3h 5d 2s] *** TURN *** [3h 5d 2s] [Js] *** RIVER *** [3h 5d 2s Js] [Tc] *** SHOW DOWN *** Will748: shows [9d 9h] (a pair of Nines) Beejayville: shows [8h Jh] (a pair of Jacks) Beejayville collected 97516 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 97516 | Rake 0 Board [3h 5d 2s Js Tc] Seat 2: Beejayville (button) (small blind) showed [8h Jh] and won (97516) with a pair of Jacks Seat 6: Will748 (big blind) showed [9d 9h] and lost with a pair of Nines If anyone sees anything I shouldn't have been doing, or a more efficient way to play the hands, then feel free to speak up :)

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Re: My first tournament win at Poker Stars Thanx MC :ok I am hoping if I can do it once, then it is possible to do it again :dude I remember seeing a screenshot of your name a while ago winning a Poker Stars tourney. So good to see some PL punters having a win. Trippled my bank too which allows me to up the ante and play slightly higher lever tourneys for more prizemoney, or play many cheaper level same type ones. All a learning curve for me at the moment. I got my stats sent to me from the tournament and was wondering what sort of info it has provided. One of you guys might be able to tell me if I am doing too much of something, or not enough of something. Bear in mind, I got to be a clear second at one stage on around 62,000 whereas leader was around 112,000, and he was on my left on the final table, and I didn't want to get in a war with him, so I folded many hands and let him put a few people out, and waited till I got a strong hand to raise with. When some of the others were on around 25,000 or so, I was raising about 12,000/18,000 to pot commit them if they called, they all kept folding which was great for me as I stole many blinds when it was about 6 people left. 307 hands played and saw flop: - 12 times out of 54 while in small blind (22%) - 12 times out of 53 while in big blind (22%) - 20 times out of 200 in other positions (10%) - a total of 44 times out of 307 (14%) Pots won at showdown - 17 out of 22 (77%) Pots won without showdown - 49 Guess I didn't play that many hands and was fairly patient waiting for the right hand to attack with, then tried to maximise my return when I got into a pot. Any thoughts?

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Guest gazza271

Re: My first tournament win at Poker Stars Well done mate :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap Dont forget to post it in the June daily MTT winnings :ok First of many I'm sure :clap

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Re: My first tournament win at Poker Stars Nice work there... working on this myself mainly in $1 tourneys while I play out SNG's.... hope to join u there sometime soon... I am certainly not used to the big fields that pokerstars boasts but I am working on it... again nicely done...:ok

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Re: My first tournament win at Poker Stars Thanx for the kind words guys :cheers Good luck with the SNG's Daddy. I was playing a few Team Australia freerolls recently and that was usually around 1200-1400 people, so 180 wasn't too many today. ;) The more people in the tourney the bigger the payout at the end, and many go out early so after a while half the field have departed, and only need to be patient and build your chips as best you can while they disappear. Of course you need luck too, and I had my share today at times. I found in the recent freerolls I was calling too much and getting into pots i didn't really want to, costing me chips and jeopardising my chances. So today I mainly bet when in position and made mostly raises and barely called any cards, basically raised/bet or folded, and amazed me how many people folded to allow me to win the pot. Meant I could play less hands and win more when in the pot. I think my image would have been when I bet, and bet again after the flop/turn, that I had a good hand, cos that's what I represented, and people respected that and folded to me, so that was good. I was able to build up my chips by using position to raise and represent strength, and found it a lot better than calling and working out what to do after the flop. Most of the time I was one on one in a pot, rather than taking on 5 callers who were all seeing a flop, and had a better idea where I stood post flop. Poker Stars supposedly have fairly good players there, so I am hoping to improve over time by playing against better players regularly. :dude

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Re: My first tournament win at Poker Stars ... Im giving those $2 HU winner takes all games (128 max) a go and im sitting comfortable in a 900 person $1 MTT with 200 left.... If you around these HU things look decent... really only have 2 beat 8-10 ppl to get to final 2.... IMO not so bad really 4 $256 prize...:ok .... just got busted out of my tourney sik runner runner 1 card flush Q 10 beat my KK... he top paird on flop it went in and the result was a 10 high flush winner..... looking forward 2 those HU tho...

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Re: My first tournament win at Poker Stars So the HU thing is like head to head, one on one, and winner goes through to next round, like tennis tournament with 128 people so to speak? Bad luck with the flush...I had a straight today on the flop and slow played it with 2 people and one got a flush on river too, cruel at times. Whats your user name there Daddy?

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Re: My first tournament win at Poker Stars yup... Im into the final 32 in both.... its tough tho especially playing 2 at once... I love the times when 1 is on break or when I got through on 1 and could concentrate on the other... my nerves are shot... IF I made it 2 the final 2 on both I have no idea how I could handle... wouldnt happen.... but hey I feel confident my HU play is fairly good... made some big plays which have paid off so far (and got luky w 6 outs on the river)... but hey when u play 300 hands on 2 HU table it is bound 2 happen...:ok

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Re: My first tournament win at Poker Stars out in 28th in 1 of em... took 3 hands of 3rd round... at least there is no pressure now of 2 @ once... I was really feelin it...:ok ....The hand that ended it....essentially PokerStars Game #10230492450: Tournament #51171144, $2.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Match Round III, Level I (10/20) - 2007/06/02 - 10:02:29 (ET) Table '51171144 8' 2-max Seat #2 is the button Seat 1: DSB.1958 (1250 in chips) Seat 2: iChipd (1750 in chips) iChipd: posts small blind 10 DSB.1958: posts big blind 20 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to iChipd [9d Tc] iChipd: calls 10 DSB.1958: checks *** FLOP *** [Jc Jh Qd] DSB.1958: checks iChipd: checks *** TURN *** [Jc Jh Qd] [8s] DSB.1958: bets 20 iChipd: raises 40 to 60 DSB.1958: raises 40 to 100 iChipd: calls 40 *** RIVER *** [Jc Jh Qd 8s] [2s] DSB.1958: bets 20 iChipd: raises 1610 to 1630 and is all-in DSB.1958: calls 1110 and is all-in *** SHOW DOWN *** iChipd: shows [9d Tc] (a straight, Eight to Queen) DSB.1958: shows [Qc Jd] (a full house, Jacks full of Queens) DSB.1958 collected 2500 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 2500 | Rake 0 Board [Jc Jh Qd 8s 2s] Seat 1: DSB.1958 (big blind) showed [Qc Jd] and won (2500) with a full house, Jacks full of Queens Seat 2: iChipd (button) (small blind) showed [9d Tc] and lost with a straight, Eight to Queen

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Re: My first tournament win at Poker Stars "Ouch" bad luck :dude I tried playing 2 at once and couldn't focus properly, so glad I went out early in the $2 one :lol Playing some cash games to get my 500FFP to get the bonus, I am on 21 points and long wat to go, and my cash game is not that good, cos every time I play I lose $$, not much tho. Watching your game now so good luck!

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Re: My first tournament win at Poker Stars Yes and no :) Actually played a cheap $1 nine person sit and go for fun, $4 to the winner, this was last weekend. I got heads up with a guy and had around $12,700 and other guy $800 or so. Think i got over confident and before i knew it i had lost, couldn't believe it. Although it must be said when I called him all in, he had JJ,JJ,KK,99 and JJ each time, something like that. Last hand i got 77 and he went all in, so called, and he had JJ :loon and they held up for him. thought I played the heads up ok but he had pairs each time i put him all in, I had high cards but not paired. good experience though, and learn something new about Poker everyday :)

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