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Re: Triobet well that was a waste of 5 hours got 3-outed on the bubble for the Final Table............. ridiculous

** Game ID 1417920822 starting - 2007-05-31 22:36:44 ** $5000 Summer Special[980477]:Table 53 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (20000.00|40000.00 No Limit - MTT) Real Money - Leevakulane sitting in seat 3 with $0.00 - Svennu2 sitting in seat 4 with $280363.14 - somkaest sitting in seat 6 with $378648.11 - Dale_FOLD sitting in seat 7 with $307617.11 - topka2 sitting in seat 9 with $336804.23 [Dealer] - Foreelas sitting in seat 10 with $493633.20 Foreelas posted the small blind - $10000.00 Leevakulane went all-in - $9240.68 ** Dealing card to Dale_FOLD: Ace of Hearts, 8 of Clubs Svennu2 called - $10000.00 somkaest folded Dale_FOLD raised - $42000.00 topka2 folded Foreelas called - $42000.00 Svennu2 folded ** Dealing the flop: 9 of Spades, 8 of Hearts, Ace of Clubs Foreelas bet - $25810.17 Dale_FOLD raised - $125000.00 Foreelas went all-in - $435823.03 Dale_FOLD went all-in - $140617.11 Leevakulane shows: Jack of Diamonds, Jack of Hearts Foreelas shows: Ace of Diamonds, 10 of Diamonds ** Dealing the turn: Ace of Spades ** Dealing the river: 10 of Clubs Foreelas wins $36962.72 from the main pot Foreelas wins $634474.90 from side pot 1
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Re: Triobet Unlucky Dale :sad Can I ask a stupid question? With the stakes you play for, why do you enter a freeroll like this? The freebie from the site is worth about $3 ($5000/1630) - with your edge over the field that may be worth something like $10 to you (or more?), but as you say, for 3 hours "work" hardly worth it - wouldn't you earn more through your usual buy-ion games? Or do you just use this for a change of sceneray?

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Re: Triobet well i played about 60 STTs for the duration of that so...... haha... still I would have had more STTs running at once if it wasn't for that freeroll. I normaly play in the region of 3000 STTs per month (average $20 buy in) and I pretty much never play MTTs. yeah playing STTs is boring, so playing stuff like this just for a bit of variety.

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Guest gazza271

Re: Triobet

I normaly play in the region of 3000 STTs per month (average $20 buy in) and I pretty much never play MTTs.
dont want to sound rude mate but how the fcuk do you manage 3000 STT's a month :lol :lol :lol fair play bud, I get confused when playing 3 at the same time :lol :lol :lol
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