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Looking at my poker tracker database (small size but growing), my VP$IP is 19% for 5/10c 9 player ring games on Stars ? I'm showing a small loss just now, due to KK crapping out twice for huge loses, but my question is, does this number seem too low ? What is your number ??

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Re: Vp$ip I've not got my Poker Tracker in front of me at minute, but at the 5/10c level (I only play 9 player) mine would be about 25%-28% if memory serves me correctly.Its definitely higher than 19% My BB/100 is (again from memory) about 17, and had been as high as 22 before having a thin time on 10/20c a bit ago. My player Icon has gone from being 'The Tasmanian Devil' to the 'Smiley Face' - I know the definition of the smiley Face is 'ABC Vanilla' - i cant remeber the Taz definition Total Hands about 6000 - although I don't use PT at the moment as I tend to be playing on Betfair. I'll double check my stats when I get home and edit this if I'm miles out.

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Re: Vp$ip Mine is 22% (21.56%). I'd like to get this down a few points, as I think I'm lossing money by limping into the pot too often. I'm also a yellow smiley face (;) ), which according to PT means semi-loose aggressive/aggressive. But I think this takes into account a lot more stats than just VP$IP, as I've seen players with similar VP$IP stats but their pre and post flop aggression was very low. I think they had the unhappy green face, meaning they're semi-loose passive/passive(?)

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