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AA vs KK vs KK Hand


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Re: AA vs KK vs KK Hand Funny you should mention that .... ***** Hand 621861708 ***** 25.00/50.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit) - 20 May 2007 00:02:55 STT $10 NL (Real/Tournament) Seat 2: suti76 (1405.00) Seat 3: Ruuvi (2430.00) Seat 4: sexy lady2 (880.00) Seat 6: lunis73 (5215.00) Seat 7: ostvold (2380.00) Seat 8: Punzi74 (1095.00) Seat 9: slapdash1 (1595.00) sexy lady2 post SB 25.00 lunis73 post BB 50.00 ** Deal ** suti76 [N/A, N/A] Ruuvi [N/A, N/A] sexy lady2 [N/A, N/A] lunis73 [N/A, N/A] ostvold [N/A, N/A] Punzi74 [N/A, N/A] slapdash1 [As, Ad] *** Bet Round 1 *** ostvold Raise to 200.00 Punzi74 Raise to 600.00 slapdash1 All-in 1595.00 suti76 Fold Ruuvi Fold sexy lady2 Fold lunis73 Fold ostvold Call 1595.00 Punzi74 All-in 1095.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [10c, 7d, 3c] *** Turn(Board): *** : [10c, 7d, 3c, 2c] *** River(Board): *** : [10c, 7d, 3c, 2c, 10s] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 4360.00 suti76 Fold Win: 0.00 Ruuvi Fold Win: 0.00 sexy lady2 Fold Win: 0.00 lunis73 Fold Win: 0.00 ostvold [Ks, Kh] Two pair kings and tens Win: 0.00 Punzi74 [Kc, Kd] Two pair kings and tens Win: 0.00 slapdash1 [As, Ad] Two pair aces and tens Win: 4360.00 Nearly lost to a flush!

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Re: AA vs KK vs KK Hand Interesting hand and congrats on the win :ok Speaking of losing to a flush with AA, I was playing a cash game with some work mates last week. We all put in an amount each and play tounrey event and first 3 get paid. There was 4 people left and I went head to head with the chip leader (he had 12,000 and I had about 8,000 and other 2 had about 4000 between them) and I got AA and raised before flop, he reraised and I went all in, and he called, he had KK. He was dealing cards and cards come out 725J9 or something like that, but 4 of them were hearts, and he had the King of hearts, so I chipped him up about 90% of chips left and he won the $$$. Considering I only had to to help him get rid of the other 2 short stacks to finish one/two and some money, I probably should have just called his bet and kept my money, but if you can't go all in with AA in a heads up situation to double up then when can you? :dude

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Re: AA vs KK vs KK Hand

Interesting hand and congrats on the win :ok Speaking of losing to a flush with AA, I was playing a cash game with some work mates last week. We all put in an amount each and play tounrey event and first 3 get paid. There was 4 people left and I went head to head with the chip leader (he had 12,000 and I had about 8,000 and other 2 had about 4000 between them) and I got AA and raised before flop, he reraised and I went all in, and he called, he had KK. He was dealing cards and cards come out 725J9 or something like that, but 4 of them were hearts, and he had the King of hearts, so I chipped him up about 90% of chips left and he won the $$$. Considering I only had to to help him get rid of the other 2 short stacks to finish one/two and some money, I probably should have just called his bet and kept my money, but if you can't go all in with AA in a heads up situation to double up then when can you? :dude
I would of done the exact same thing as you Beejay i reckon, AA always going to hold up well in a heads up situation before the flop. You cant help that sort of luck sometimes unfortunately, but thats the great game of poker for ya
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