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The perils of multi-tabling


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this is what happens when you multi-table and don't pay attention :lol Damo ***** Hand 613205757 ***** 50.00/100.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 10 May 2007 19:45:52 $1,000 Guaranteed (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: Quemerece (5580.00) Seat 2: robilaruk (3070.00) Seat 3: uge3 (13512.00) Seat 4: bubu1000 (1890.00) Seat 5: avalis (3400.00) Seat 6: deathman (1990.00) Seat 7: SHARK.85 (3835.00) Seat 8: bilou76 (1933.00) Seat 9: malph666 (3255.00) Seat 10: metalrocky (9475.00) Quemerece post SB 50.00 robilaruk post BB 100.00 ** Deal ** robilaruk [2h, 7s] who-hoo 72 off on my BB on an aggressive table - not way I am seeing a flop *** Bet Round 1 *** uge3 Fold bubu1000 Call 100.00 avalis Fold deathman Fold SHARK.85 Fold bilou76 Call 100.00 malph666 Call 100.00 metalrocky Fold Quemerece Call 100.00 robilaruk Check WOW - thanks lads lets hope I hit and do the lot of you *** Flop(Board): *** : [10s, 9h, Kd] oh well no 772 flop, lets just check and fold *** Bet Round 2 *** Quemerece Check robilaruk Check bubu1000 Check bilou76 Check malph666 Bet 300.00 Quemerece Fold robilaruk Call 300.00 OH MY FECKING LORD - I was playing another game on my laptop(STT) and called on this table in error as it popped up coz i had the mouse in my hand - FFS bubu1000 Fold bilou76 Call 300.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [10s, 9h, Kd, 3c] *** Bet Round 3 *** robilaruk Check bilou76 Check malph666 Check oh well no way I am winning now best check and fold hang on 2 checks - are they drawing?.............. *** River(Board): *** : [10s, 9h, Kd, 3c, 10h] *** Bet Round 4 *** hmm I wonder - a busted draw perhaps? maybe J9? - lets go for it, that 10 is perfect for a bluff robilaruk Bet 800.00 bilou76 Fold malph666 Fold *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 1400.00 Quemerece Fold Win: 0.00 robilaruk By default Win: 2800.00 WHO-HOO - and I even showed them :ok so even a muppet like me can run a bluff sometimes...... :lol Damo

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Re: The perils of multi-tabling :ok LOL NH Damo. Whilst multi-tabling a while ago I accidentally called an all-in for $14 pre-flop on a 10/20c table holding the fabled 7/2 (though they were suited :D ), looked up at what I had done and saw his Cowboys staring up at me. I must have looked such an twat! Got a 7 and a 2 on the flop, and took the hand down:rollin . Was so embarrassed, I had to leave:$

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Re: The perils of multi-tabling awsome - me I would have stayed and waited for AA or KK and done the same again, to get the call...... :clap Damo

:ok LOL NH Damo. Whilst multi-tabling a while ago I accidentally called an all-in for $14 pre-flop on a 10/20c table holding the fabled 7/2 (though they were suited :D ), looked up at what I had done and saw his Cowboys staring up at me. I must have looked such an twat! Got a 7 and a 2 on the flop, and took the hand down:rollin . Was so embarrassed, I had to leave:$
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Re: The perils of multi-tabling I've folded quad 5's before on the Boss network, when the bloody screen popped up, for me to call his reraise (however I was trying to fold on other table), he'd made his full house on river. It's a good job it was early in tournament and was only a small buy in. I wonder if the above scenarios are factored into variance :D

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