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Omfg - Jennifer Tilly!


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Re: Omfg - Jennifer Tilly!

Ok she does look great & with a great poker character in Phil Laak but what the fcuk is she doing here? ...in position I might add :loon http://youtube.com/watch?v=tN6wAHTWeEA I haven't gotten over this yet. How they can put such players on tv is beyond me. Phil Ivey's look at the end is priceless :lol
maybe she only plays the nuts :loon:loon
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Re: Omfg - Jennifer Tilly!

Couldn't stop laughing at this guy. Poker lesson part 1 Yeah - i'll be taking lessons from this guy.
Oh God!!! :rollin:rollin:rollin "I'm gonna go find some more noobs" :rollin:rollin:rollin I wanna play with him for real money! Just watched it again and couldn't stop laughing at the first hand; "Idiot probably has K7 or some crap like that and lucked out" 2 seconds later... "Ok so I have K7 here, you know it's a pretty good hand with the 7 kicker"
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Re: Omfg - Jennifer Tilly! ROFLMAO Oh god start watching his 2nd video He has 8-4s first hand, 1 guy goes all in and he says "Thats telling me he has pocet deuces, and I dont wanna call there. Deuces has 8-4 suited dominated there, at least 93% of the time, and theres only 1% chance of the tie...I'm really into poker stats so I'm gonna give you guys some insight" :lol I LOVE his stats; "I've got 7-4 suited here, thats like 73% favourite against any random hand" Thank you so much George, I've got at least another 30 mins of watching his commentary

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Re: Omfg - Jennifer Tilly!

Oh God!!! :rollin:rollin:rollin "I'm gonna go find some more noobs" :rollin:rollin:rollin I wanna play with him for real money! The Punters Lounge - The World's Best Betting Forum - Reply to Topic Just watched it again and couldn't stop laughing at the first hand; "Idiot probably has K7 or some crap like that and lucked out" 2 seconds later... "Ok so I have K7 here, you know it's a pretty good hand with the 7 kicker"
Had to pause at that bit HILARIOUS :rollin:rollin "I hope to catch king's and 9's on the flop" with 94 os!! :lol Has to be fake but still light entertainment! The Jen Tilly clip is class, top players' reactions said it all at the end. Seemed as if she was scared to be playing at those levels or a rubbish player :lol
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Re: Omfg - Jennifer Tilly! Was watching his third video there, he claims to have played Phil Ivey on full tilt and stacked him 4-5 times :lol. Unfortunately the video cuts out after 16 mins, would love to see the final 30 mins. He also charges $120 per hour for poker lessons. Any takers??? Anyone see the 2nd video? He's making a coke deal on AIM in the middle of the tournament :lol:lol:lol

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Re: Omfg - Jennifer Tilly! Found this on one of his blogs: Guess I should forget to play more often Between sheer exhaustion from getting only 3 hrs sleep per night the last 5 nights because my little one has been running a fever, and the older one's First Communion yesterday, I forgot I was signed up for this:

Full Tilt Poker Tournament #17743613 $2,500 PPA Drive Freeroll NL Hold'emBuy-In:$0.00 1668 players Total Prize Pool: $2500.00 Start Date: May 6 10:41 PM ET Dear BigSlickNut, You finished the tournament in 296th place.There has been $3.12 added to your account.You have earned leaderboard points for this tournament. To view your current leaderboard points use the link in the Cashier window. Congratulations! Thank you for participating.

And you know that if I had showed up, I'd have found a way to bubble. He sums it up in the last line. I don't get why he plays then crys on youtube about it. I mean, at least i only cry on here after a loss :lol

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Re: Omfg - Jennifer Tilly!

Found this on one of his blogs: Guess I should forget to play more often Between sheer exhaustion from getting only 3 hrs sleep per night the last 5 nights because my little one has been running a fever, and the older one's First Communion yesterday, I forgot I was signed up for this:

Full Tilt Poker Tournament #17743613 $2,500 PPA Drive Freeroll NL Hold'emBuy-In:$0.00 1668 players Total Prize Pool: $2500.00 Start Date: May 6 10:41 PM ET Dear BigSlickNut, You finished the tournament in 296th place.There has been $3.12 added to your account.You have earned leaderboard points for this tournament. To view your current leaderboard points use the link in the Cashier window. Congratulations! Thank you for participating.

And you know that if I had showed up, I'd have found a way to bubble. He sums it up in the last line. I don't get why he plays then crys on youtube about it. I mean, at least i only cry on here after a loss :lol

Apologies! Started back at the start of the blog and thought I'd be in for some interesting reading, however... Seemed quite educated and a good player so I thought i'd keep skipping through till I found where it all went wrong, got the wrong person. He just thought "Bucklox" was really funny too and just linked him up on his blog. Gonna go look for his blog now, he did claim he had one so must try to find it. Was a bit sceptical seeing "BigSlickNuts" as the blog name, i mean he folds AJ/77 in the blinds yet reraises with 6/2 :rollin Will report back with my findings
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Re: Omfg - Jennifer Tilly! You've confused me now Jimany... who's taking the piss out of who? They're two different people? Why are there so many blogs? Who's crying on Youtube if it's not the blog guy? And i thought playing Hold'em cash games were stressful :lol

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Re: Omfg - Jennifer Tilly! This guy is class he's taking the piss big time and theres actually people posting about how bad a player he is. Funny as fcuk bet its worked better than he's ever imagined over 100,000 views, this guys a legend.

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Re: Omfg - Jennifer Tilly!

You've confused me now Jimany... who's taking the piss out of who? They're two different people? Why are there so many blogs? Who's crying on Youtube if it's not the blog guy? And i thought playing Hold'em cash games were stressful :lol
I've confused myself too looking at it :rollin Blog above is from a genuine player, couldn't find the one he claims having.
This guy is class he's taking the piss big time and theres actually people posting about how bad a player he is. Funny as fcuk bet its worked better than he's ever imagined over 100' date='000 views, this guys a legend.[/quote'] I read quite a bit on it last night. "BuckLoX" is an acronym for "LuckBox" which most people are saying. And it does look set up. But I've also seen a webcam post from him nearly crying about the replies he's getting which looks genuine. Also he has a split view STT/webcam video of a 10 Seater on FullTilt. Alright the guy claims it's a "$1,000 SnG" which is a "no biggie" to him when it clearly is a play money SnG from the play in it. I would 100% agree with you that the guy was taking the piss bigtime too only for the fact that well, the guy doesn't look/sound clever enough to pull it off. You are probably right though.
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