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I thought this was funny


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This is the hand from the viewpoint of my opponent. He limps into a pot from an early position, and then he sees Mr. Cloud put in a pre-flop raise whilst he is holding 99 - so he calls Mr. Clouds raise. The flop comes JJx. He puts in a pot sized bet. Suddenly Mr. Cloud types "fooked" in the chatbox, and then immediately goes all-in. What does that mean?? Is he fooked? Am I fooked? Who the hell is fooked? He is confused. He calls - and sees Mr. Cloud take the pot with QQ. Mindgames at their best he is thinking. Here is what actually happened. I am playing whilst chatting to three other bloggers on MSN messenger, and we are railing eachother in eachothers tournies. I see I have QQ, and raise a limp from an early position, and the early position calls me. The flop comes JJx - a nice flop. Being a turbo tournie I can't hang around, so I know I have to win this hand and to do it I have to play it fast, so I know I'm going to commit all my chips. At this point I type into messenger - "If he has a J I am fooked". In the middle of typing this my pokerstars window becomes the dominant window as it it my turn to play, and the word "fooked" appears in the pokerstars chatbox instead of messenger. Without realising I hit enter, and then play the hand by going all-in. I truly am the king of mindgames!!!

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Re: I thought this was funny Being a relative newcomer to msn, I don't find I cross chat (in fact I've never had more than one conversation at one time) - but what I do tend to do is try and say something witty with a smiley, and by the time I've found the smiley I want, 12 minutes have passed - and the moment has gone :lol

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