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Poker "quirks"

Guest gazza271

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Guest gazza271

What we got ? Mine are...... 1 - always have the list of players/chipstacks at the bottom and scroll up as people are eliminated 2 - Always play Q10 unless massive raise 3 - Always play with alcohol :cheers , have tried playing "dry" but get to impatient 4 - Always gotta have music/tv on in background, just cant concentrate if quiet :unsure

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Re: Poker "quirks" 1. Always play in my Pajama Bottoms, over my Y-Fronts ,and then wear another pair of trousers over the top 2. Drink - Bottled Water for MTT's - One bottle each hour Black Tea for STT's - One cup before each STT starts Black Coffee playing Cash (Playing all 3 at once is impossible as I miss half the hands p'ssng away the intake - and with 3 layers of clothing to get through for each visit, it becomes a bloody long task ) 3 Cash games - Record every 15 mins my Profit/Loss on a scrap pad 4.Toilet Breaks - only go for a crap after UTG fold, and attempt to get before next hand is dealt (I call this manouevre a 'Speed Dump') Is that too much information :unsure Also note the above only applies to online poker .............

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