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PokerPlayer Magazine and Bodog


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Re: PokerPlayer Magazine and Bodog

2nd break, 90 left. I can see Red Fear at the top, dave488 (is he PL?), ColU, rednutt, bluepennant, SpurMan above me. Good Luck all :hope :hope
Yep i am, however think you will find names don't seem to be rank order in the lobby though, for some strange reason.:ok
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Re: PokerPlayer Magazine and Bodog Just out in 81st. Struggled all game after going all in with KK early. Beaten when up against QQ and Q river left me with 80 chips. Battled back to about 3k when on the BB I re-raise all-in with 99. He turns over A8 and hits A on the river. :wall The river was not my friend tonight!! GL to all left in Steve.

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Re: PokerPlayer Magazine and Bodog Out in 85th. UTG, folded Q 10, and flop came K J 9. Still peeved about missing out on great chance to double up, and flopped top pair next hand in BB. All in, but grossly outkicked. :wall GaF and Pocket Lady still alive. Can't work out this leaderboard malarkey though. McG :sad

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Re: PokerPlayer Magazine and Bodog

Any clues on how to suss out the chip stacks of those left in? Red Fear's been at the top since the start, but is that because he registered first?
Look at the table counts and click trough is what I did - Dave888 was leading when I was knocked out
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Re: PokerPlayer Magazine and Bodog

GL red :hope the poker gods are with you tonight
Cheers - had some great (lucky) cards tonight. :dude Nowhere near the top though, I don't know how it ranks the remaining players. Bit crap really. Good luck those of us left in. :hope Red.
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Re: PokerPlayer Magazine and Bodog Oot! 33rd I think. The blinds and anti's were getting huge so pushed allin with JJ and came up against AK. Didn't win the race. :sad Rednutt, Dave and Bluepennant still going strong. :ok Red.

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Re: Pokertime Team Freeroll WSOP Qualifiers Gl Dave - 3rd with 6 left!!!! Mournval who was 2nd is from Oslo - don't fight him - it clearly says in the lobby that it's UK only - he cant win!!!

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