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refer a friend


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I signed up for another poker site tonight (bodog -all be it too late for the focus game) and saw that it had a reward scheme for recommending a friend, obviously by doing it off my own back i had no one to put down as someone who referred me so by losing a reward for someone. Would it be worth keeping an open thread so that anyone joining a new site that has a friend referral reward scheme could ask on the thread if anyone wanted to pick up the referral bonus by recommending them? :) I probably havent explained it too well but i'm sure you get the gist of what i'm saying,

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Re: refer a friend Not Sure.:unsure But if we use the link from here on PL. Does that not qualify PL for the referal. And if not. is there someway that we can get that to happen so we put something back to the PL. I.E. To help towards the days out Etc..:ok

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Re: refer a friend

99.9% sure that PL get the referral bonus :)
i know when i signed up to bodog there was no pl link i had to google for the site and when it came to filling out the reg it asked who referred me and needed some sort of reference number. it would be great if PL got the bonus i just hate the thought of it going to waste
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