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Pop Quiz (part XVI) - call or fold  

  1. 1.

    • auto call you womble - u r getting 3-1
    • fold - play as second stack and let the ultra shorties bust out

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10 seater STT - bubble time! I have 2K left after posting the BB (ignore the 2400)- Kugli has been ultra tight on the bubble for ages - he had about 4K at one point and has folded hand after hand after hand - he made a raise against Maly on the button last orbit, Maly called and shove a rag flop - so Kug folded Maly has no idea how to play the massive stack - he generally folds every hand and then shoves about 1 in 6 or so - so i think he is only playing fairly decent cards Bandito plays a bit and is prepared to call his BB with a marginal hand So do I fold, keep my 2K and hope Bandito or Kugli get busted next orbit - or do I call as I am getting 3-1 for my cash? Cheers Damo Seat 1: Bandito (1420.00) Seat 5: kugli11 (810.00) Seat 7: LizziePL (2400.00) Seat 8: malypetrik (10370.00) kugli11 post SB 200.00 LizziePL post BB 400.00 ** Deal ** Bandito [N/A, N/A] kugli11 [N/A, N/A] LizziePL [3s, 8h] malypetrik [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** malypetrik Fold Bandito Fold kugli11 All-in 810.00


Re: Pop Quiz (part XVI) - call or fold Well, for what it's worth, here's my two pennorth. I'd call - you'll still have more than bandito and the small stack, even if you lose, and a win puts you in good position to secure 2nd. That said, they are terrible cards, but the ATC (any two cards) rule surely comes in to play here, and the rewards are good enough. McG N.B - If I suggest call, the correct option is almost certainly to fold.

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