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Tony G - Any other fans?


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I must say i love watching Tony G play, i crack up everytime at his insults & banter. Here's a few video's for your fancy, do you feel my power baby? :lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqKGBLfu9iw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvCn_KbLpLY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-4GDyHhEC4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhwT3CgWjw0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoDQ8kKvG90 Such a graceful player :rollin

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Re: Tony G - Any other fans? Hi everyone, I've been checking out this forum lately and it seems a really friendly place with some great advice so this is my first post. I'd just like to say it's great to have characters in poker it makes great TV but Tony G really oversteps the mark I must admit. Absolutely hate the guy but would love to be in a cash game with him (as long as i had position of course).:cheers

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Re: Tony G - Any other fans? :welcome to the Lounge INVASOR To add my bit on Tony G - he won the Singapore BAPT and gave half his winnings to charity. He also gave the trophy to the second placed guy, so it could "stay in the country" - not exactly living up to his reputation!! My dad spent about a day on his table at BAPT and says he wasn't much like his reputation/tv clips at all .... maybe it's just playing up for the cameras a bit to get a few column inches?

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Re: Tony G - Any other fans? All he does is to intimidate his opponent in order to make him make a mistake. Yes, he is arrogant, and sometimes over-steps the mark, but he uses the advantage he believes he has. It happens on the pitch in many a sport. Let him be, he is an entertainer, and as GaF pointed out, gave a lot to others after the Singapore event.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Tony G - Any other fans? One of the nicest guys off the table. I heard a funny story about him though. He was filming the new Premier League Poker show, and him and Devilfish were in the commentary box together. Neither of them left the room for 9 hours because they were afriad the other one was going to slag them off behind their backs !! :lol

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Re: Tony G - Any other fans? Tony G might be over-stepping the mark a bit but still great entertainment :ok Hellmuth is a total god and can say whatever he likes at the table imo :notworthy I personally love the banter on a poker table, distracts away from the cards i'm playing, but also funny when people take me seriously ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Tony G - Any other fans? Tony G is the Gordon Ramsay of poker. The whole thing's a great big act and he's as different again away from the table, by all accounts. As with Ramsay, I think that actually lowers him a notch in my estimation. As for Hellmuth, I was reading about him in 'Poker Player' yesterday and it suddenly occurred to me that he could well go mad. Not angry 'mad' but insane 'mad' - I honestly think his self-obsession will eventually turn his mind. Older readers may recall the former World chess champion Bobby Fischer. Brilliant but straaaange. Hellmuth as the new Fischer - don't rule it out.

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