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SO Superstar - I'm not playing anymore!


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I dont normally moan about bad beats but I've played 4 SO Superstar tables tonight and seen some very dubious calls. Some of the calls are coming from players who I know are good players. Hate to say it but it did make me tilt and make some awful calls of my own. A weakness in my game that comes out now and again. The last game was the final straw. I made the money at the 4th attempt and was 2:1 in chips for the HU. Here is the first hand: ***** Hand 575070013 ***** 100.00/200.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 02 April 2007 22:23:17 SUPERSTAR TABLE (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: spannerj (4985.00) Seat 3: stgeorges (2515.00) spannerj post SB 100.00 stgeorges post BB 200.00 ** Deal ** spannerj [Qd, 10s] stgeorges [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** spannerj Call 200.00 stgeorges Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [10d, 2h, 7d] *** Bet Round 2 *** stgeorges Bet 600.00 spannerj Raise to 2400.00 stgeorges All-in 2315.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [10d, 2h, 7d, 5d] *** River(Board): *** : [10d, 2h, 7d, 5d, 4s] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 5030.00 spannerj [Qd, 10s] Pair of tens Win :0.00 stgeorges [8h, 6s] Straight to the eight Win :5030.00 And this is the very next hand: ***** Hand 575070680 ***** 100.00/200.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 02 April 2007 22:23:57 SUPERSTAR TABLE (Real /Tournament ) Seat 1: spannerj (2470.00) Seat 3: stgeorges (5030.00) stgeorges post SB 100.00 spannerj post BB 200.00 ** Deal ** spannerj [7s, 8c] stgeorges [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** stgeorges Call 200.00 spannerj Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [4c, 8s, Qd] *** Bet Round 2 *** spannerj Check stgeorges Bet 400.00 spannerj All-in 2270.00 stgeorges Call 2270.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [4c, 8s, Qd, 9h] *** River(Board): *** : [4c, 8s, Qd, 9h, Ad] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 0.00 Total Pot: 4940.00 spannerj [7s, 8c] Pair of eights Win :0.00 stgeorges [9c, Jh] Pair of nines Win :4940.00 Any comments. I cant understand his play but maybe to win these short handed tables you have to make more crazy calls. Any comments? I think I will stick to cash and SnG games but I'd like to improve at the short handed format as I dont do that well at them according to my spreadsheet.

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Re: SO Superstar - I'm not playing anymore!

Not sure you did anything wrong in the 1st hand TBH and got very unlucky. The second had you were annoyed and maybe made a bad raise with what was on the flop.
The second hand I was annoyed but I figured he wouldn't have bet with a Q. As it turned out I was right but he must have known what cards were coming next to make that call with his hand.
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