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ffs,,,ok analyse this hand


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** Game ID 720297344 starting - 2007-03-31 23:18:07 ** Plover [Omaha H/L] (0.25|0.50 Pot Limit - Cash Game) Real Money - jussi123 sitting in seat 1 with $21.30 [Dealer] - teaulcpl sitting in seat 2 with $23.43 - yamina sitting in seat 3 with $24.61 - plum11 sitting in seat 4 with $70.28 - Lowball sitting in seat 5 with $98.90 - ZEAL sitting in seat 7 with $9.22 - maustin_caji sitting in seat 8 with $60.37 - sacaktun sitting in seat 9 with $15.16 teaulcpl posted the small blind - $0.25 yamina posted the big blind - $0.50 ** Dealing card to teaulcpl: 9 of Diamonds, Queen of Hearts, 5 of Spades, Ace of Spades plum11 raised - $1.00 Lowball folded ZEAL folded maustin_caji folded sacaktun called - $1.00 jussi123 folded teaulcpl called - $1.00 yamina called - $1.00 ** Dealing the flop: Ace of Clubs, 8 of Diamonds, Jack of Clubs teaulcpl checked yamina checked plum11 bet - $2.00 sacaktun folded teaulcpl called - $2.00 yamina called - $2.00 ** Dealing the turn: 10 of Diamonds teaulcpl bet - $10.00 yamina folded plum11 called - $10.00 ** Dealing the river: 10 of Spades teaulcpl went all-in - $10.68 plum11 called - $10.68 teaulcpl shows: 9 of Diamonds, Queen of Hearts, 5 of Spades, Ace of Spades plum11 shows: Ace of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds, 2 of Diamonds plum11 wins $48.81 from the main pot End of game 720297344 [-----

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Re: ffs,,,ok analyse this hand Teaulc, this is the one mistake holdem players make while playing omaha. They think their TP with a strong kicker is ahead, now some of the time it might be, but if you bet it you're beat 90% of the time & will lose money. Remember the other player has FOUR hole cards. Now i do love omaha cash games (prefer high but ill take a nibble on H/L also). I play ULTRA tight, which i feel is the best strategy playing omaha. I will mainly play only with the nuts & will gladly lay down a house on the river if i feel the other player has a bigger one. Tighten up your starting hand requirements severly, rarely raise preflop (as you will get called no matter what) and always be the one in control of the hand when you hit (as when you've hit, you'll be ahead 95% of the time). Pot bet all the time, and also come over the top of anyone who bets into you. You will soon find your groove in omaha then :ok

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Re: ffs,,,ok analyse this hand Take Plum's hand for example. He has AA2J, this is one of the best starting hands in omaha H/L. If 3 cards under 8 come up on the board he has the stone cold nut low hand & has picked up half the pot already. He also has the best starting High hand, this is what i mean by ultra tight. Not taking a stab at you, but if you adapted that tight style, you'll be able to get people to push in like he did to you. Just using it as an example. Good luck for future games :hope

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Re: ffs,,,ok analyse this hand

Take Plum's hand for example. He has AA2J' date=' this is one of the best starting hands in omaha H/L. If 3 cards under 8 come up on the board he has the stone cold nut low hand & has picked up half the pot already. He also has the best starting High hand, this is what i mean by ultra tight. Not taking a stab at you, but if you adapted that tight style, you'll be able to get people to push in like he did to you. Just using it as an example. Good luck for future games :hope[/quote'] i have to disagree with your comments here jimany,although plum has a great starting hand,but you say 3 cards under 8 come he as the stone cold nuts not nessacarily so if 3 cards under 8 come and one of them is a 2 hes in trouble.So many players with a2 always think there gonna win the low but he as no back up with no other low cards so if he as a2 and 3 low cards hit and ones a 2 and then next 2 cards are high then your fukecd,just my opinion. :ok
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Re: ffs,,,ok analyse this hand

i have to disagree with your comments here jimany,although plum has a great starting hand,but you say 3 cards under 8 come he as the stone cold nuts not nessacarily so if 3 cards under 8 come and one of them is a 2 hes in trouble.So many players with a2 always think there gonna win the low but he as no back up with no other low cards so if he as a2 and 3 low cards hit and ones a 2 and then next 2 cards are high then your fukecd,just my opinion. :ok
Apologies. Did mean 3 non A/2 low cards. However if another one comes then he's back with the nuts :lol:lol:lol
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