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played badly or unlucky


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pokersatellites omaha hi-lo 0.25/0.50,, i am sir auron ***** Hand 571304569 ***** 0.25/0.50 Omaha Hi/Lo (PL) - Thursday, March 29, 2007 1:48:00 PM Table OH 51 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: Ak-Hi (18.25) Seat 2: sir auron (63.48) Seat 3: campi1 (9.50) Seat 4: feccia2 (76.71) Seat 5: viziko (17.37) campi1 post SB 0.25 feccia2 post BB 0.50 ** Deal ** Ak-Hi [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] sir auron [9c, Kc, Ad, 6s] campi1 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] feccia2 [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] viziko [N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** viziko Call 0.50 Ak-Hi Call 0.50 sir auron Call 0.50 campi1 Call 0.50 feccia2 Check *** Flop(Board): *** : [9s, Ac, 9h] *** Bet Round 2 *** campi1 Check feccia2 Check viziko Check Ak-Hi Bet 2.50 sir auron Call 2.50 campi1 Call 2.50 feccia2 Fold viziko Fold *** Turn(Board): *** : [9s, Ac, 9h, 2s] *** Bet Round 3 *** campi1 Check Ak-Hi Bet 10.00 sir auron Raise to 20.00 campi1 All-in 6.50 Ak-Hi All-in 15.25 *** River(Board): *** : [9s, Ac, 9h, 2s, Qs] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 2.35 Total Pot: 44.65 Ak-Hi [Qc, Jd, Qd, 9d] Full house Win :44.65 sir auron [9c, Kc, Ad, 6s] Full house Win :0.00 campi1 [5d, 3d, Ah, Kd] Two pair aces and nines Win :0.00

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Re: played badly or unlucky I'm no Ohama expert, but I would say: you were definitely unlucky, but you may also have played it badly. First, you were clearly unlucky on the river. When the chips went in on the turn, your opponents had two cards between them to beat you. Any of the other 34 cards on the river and you win. You had massive pot equity; they sucked out on you. On the other hand, why did you slow play the flop? You have the second nuts - you're only trailing only to pocket aces. Ak-Hi has made the maximum bet (I think), so he's likely going to see the turn whatever it costs. Raise him there and then - make him pay to play his garbage. I'm not saying that your slowplay was wrong, but you need to know why you did it. Perhaps your anxious not to cut off any overcall from campi1. Judging by his atrocious all-in on the turn, however, this guy stinks so bad that pot odds mean nothing to him. I don't think a flop raise will alter this guy's action one iota. It's a good hand to post, there are interesting questions there.

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Re: played badly or unlucky Cannot agree that you shouldn't have been in the hand...a call of 50 cents can be made with just about anything in the hope of hitting, which you did. Agree with dibbut, your only fear, when all the money went in, was somebody with AA. Unlucky to get hit on the river...this cannot be viewed as bad play...just bad luck.

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Re: played badly or unlucky

Are you serious Dodger?
Being an Omaha HiLo novice (played with fun money only) can you explain what you mean? OK, it's not the greatest hand in the world but it has 2 suited, 2 high and the potential for a straight! And i believe Tealc had position. Is this a weak hand to call with in position for the cost of the BB with 2 other limpers and a possible numpty yet to go? Been thinking about playing HiLo but not got much of a clue! Cheers!:ok
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Re: played badly or unlucky If the hand should have been entered might be debatable, but to call with any two cards for 50 cents is'nt. That was my suggestion regarding dodgers post. IMHO a/6 is not a very strong hand to enter for the low pot with and the suited cards need to either be the nut flush or at least have some straight possibilities as well. The 9 and the 6 have straight possibilities, but mostly losing ones. I am very much a novice too at this, but to enter a pot you have to have realisic hope of the low pot and while any 2 cards can win the high pot you should be able to split up the fourcards into some sort of order preflop Would you play a/6/off, a/9 off, k/9suited, k/6 off , 9/6 off in the hope of winning a normal holdem pot? they are about as connected as the England midfield (sorry). Even A/k is not that strong in Omaha hi/lo Having said all that you could argue that ace anything low is worth playing especially in position.

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Re: played badly or unlucky

It's Omaha hi/lo-- you shouldnt have been in the pot in the first place so yep you played badly
This just came over to me as an extremely harsh judgement to make. I don't see anything wrong with the 50 cent call even if I wouldn't personally have played it. However there are loose tables where nearly every player will call to see the flop and I thought it a bit unfair to call bad play on the strength of this initial call. I imagine Teaulc was looking for comments regarding the later play, which I still believe was unlucky. And yes, I was serious. I play my Hi/Lo pretty tight but don't expect everybody else to follow suit. If everybody played ultra tight you just wouldn't get a decent game. I am not advocating calling with anything, however limitted the connections, but there are plenty out there who do this and that is their own style of play...I just cannot see how a single BB call can instantly be dismissed as bad play that's all.
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