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Irish open - Dublin


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Re: Irish open - Dublin

hi mole' date='I qualified last year through a poker player freeroll.Ill see you over there for some:beer :beer .[/quote'] sounds grand to me! thanx to all the well wishers looking forward to it hopefully make a bold show. target - final table which is live on sky on the monday night
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Irish open - Dublin Hi guys, am sat here with the mole. and the mole says:- "Fekkin' hell, mon jimmy" I think as you can tell he has unfortunately been terminated from the Irish Open, he had a hard table, with no banter, and we all know that the mole needs banter..... Medallion...

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Re: Irish open - Dublin Day 2 - still in, sitting on 33,000 chips - utter carnage here yesterday as you'd expect from an Irish tourney. we lost 450 players in one day including a load of big names. Carlos Mortensen out first in about 20 mins. Praz Bansi followed soon after then an ill Phil Laak and his beau Tilly a few hours after. Andy Black moved to my table and immediately got slaughtered, a flush on the river beating his KK. Short stacked he was out the following hand. Play had to stop early at 2am as we'd lost so many players on the first day. God knows what carnage is in store today. I just want to hang on for Sunday and the cash places. If any of you guys are still in Dublin come and find me - I have a ridiculous handlebar moustache ! I'll interview you for Bluff mag too !

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Re: Irish open - Dublin out in 123rd - got moved to the TV table, and ended up with Roland de Wolfe (who was with me the whole day), Devilfish and Surindar Sunar. Got chipped away, moved in with J-10 clubs, quiet Swedish guy called with QQ. Ouch. still, not bad for a first big tourney.

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Re: Irish open - Dublin hi guys im just back from dublin and had an absolutely blinding weekend.I managed to last about 10 hours when my all in with queens was called by kings and that was the end for me.I was sitting at the same table as steve bercher from full tilt and cristiano blanco from everest poker and i must say both were absolute gentlemen.The highlight of the trip was the devilfish doing an impromptu gig in the bar on thursday night.All in all it was a great experience and a brilliant weekend. well done swampster on youre 123rd finish:clap :clap :clap

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Re: Irish open - Dublin a bit late with my post but just recovering, i went out quite early against Paul Zimbler ( the marbella kid ) i had kk flop was 10 2 3 rainbow bet it up turn j again another big bet river 7 he goes all in the alarm bells were ringing but had to call set of 10 s so that was that. did a lot better in the side event where i finished quite high up but didnt cash. all in all a fantastic weekend did some serious networking and was astonished to find out people like devilfish knew of the mole, all i have to do now is put a face to the mole tag and win one of these tourneys and im there. Had a good crack with barney boatmen who is a top bloke. also spent a lot of time with wee mad dave from boss (we already met in india) so we shared a few bevs together as per. Another fantastic guy i met was KIm the owner and manager of mermaid poker, he is bonkers and was trying to tempt me over there. i was really amazed at the number of people who knew the mole and was given a lot of respect which was really nice. the more i get out there the more chance there is of becoming famous so fingers crossed for a big win. i am going to play a lot more tourneys to get me back into the way of it as obviously it is very different from cash games. i am definatley playing the scottish champs in june, but also have an eye on the south african in may will see how it goes. does anyone have a list or know where to get one on all the pro tourneys throughout the year, that way i could plan ahead? cheers stef

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