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GBU: The Swings of Short Handed Games


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here's a few hands i've been through from the last few days. The Good: i make a standard first in raise, and get re-raised from a tight player, i know i'm behind but he doesnt re-raise me enough to remove the implied odds of me hitting a set. the rest is history. Game #3550697733: Hold'em NL ($0.50/$1) - 2007/03/21 - 16:54:56 (EST) Table "Texans" Seat 5 is the button. Seat 1: irrbloss sits out Seat 2: pols ($361.72 in chips) Seat 3: SOPRAN ($151.50 in chips) Seat 4: M_Man79th ($96.50 in chips) Seat 5: guesswho ($98.50 in chips) Seat 6: almamala ($171.43 in chips) almamala: posts small blind $0.50 pols: posts big blind $1 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to M_Man79th [7c 7s] SOPRAN: folds M_Man79th: raises to $4 guesswho: raises to $12 almamala: folds pols: folds M_Man79th: calls $8 ----- FLOP ----- [9d 7h 8h] M_Man79th: checks guesswho: bets $20 M_Man79th: raises to $84.50 and is all-in guesswho: calls $64.50 ----- TURN ----- [9d 7h 8h][6d] irrbloss sits back ----- RIVER ----- [9d 7h 8h 6d][As] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- M_Man79th: shows [7c 7s] (Three of a kind, Sevens, Ace high) guesswho: shows [Kc Ks] (A Pair of Kings, Ace high) M_Man79th collected $191.50 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot $194.50 Main pot $191.50 Rake $3 Board [9d 7h 8h 6d As] Seat 2: pols (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: SOPRAN folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: M_Man79th showed [7c 7s] and won ($191.50) with Three of a kind, Sevens, Ace high Seat 5: guesswho (button) showed [Kc Ks] and lost with A Pair of Kings, Ace high Seat 6: almamala (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) ****HAND ENDS**** The Bad: torn between 2 hands for this one so i think i'll use the worst. i make a standard raise but should have been more aware of the limp-caller i overbet the flop which i shouldnt have done on a tricolor. and should have SERIOUSLY reeled it WAY in on the turn after the call. instead i kept on betting like a mug. Game #3530938133: Hold'em NL ($0.50/$1) - 2007/03/19 - 20:43:39 (EST) Table "Henry" Seat 5 is the button. Seat 1: Josha3012 ($45.25 in chips) Seat 2: tiltmepls ($81.57 in chips) Seat 3: Costy ($66.25 in chips) Seat 4: M_Man79th ($105 in chips) Seat 5: Bob2502 ($42.25 in chips) Seat 6: MotoX ($85 in chips) MotoX: posts small blind $0.50 Josha3012: posts big blind $1 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to M_Man79th [Js Ah] tiltmepls: folds Costy: calls $1 M_Man79th: raises to $5 Bob2502: folds MotoX: folds Josha3012: calls $4 Costy: calls $4 ----- FLOP ----- [Ts 7h Ac] Josha3012: checks Costy: checks M_Man79th: bets $14 Josha3012: folds Costy: calls $14 ----- TURN ----- [Ts 7h Ac][6s] Costy: checks M_Man79th: bets $48 Costy: is all-in $47.25 Returned uncalled bets $0.75 to M_Man79th ----- RIVER ----- [Ts 7h Ac 6s][Kh] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- M_Man79th: shows [Js Ah] (A Pair of Aces, King high) Costy: shows [7d 7s] (Three of a kind, Sevens, Ace high) Costy collected $135 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot $138 Main pot $135 Rake $3 Board [Ts 7h Ac 6s Kh] Seat 1: Josha3012 (big blind) folded on the Flop Seat 2: tiltmepls folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: Costy showed [7d 7s] and won ($135) with Three of a kind, Sevens, Ace high Seat 4: M_Man79th showed [Js Ah] and lost with A Pair of Aces, King high Seat 5: Bob2502 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: MotoX (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) ****HAND ENDS**** The Ugly: a re-raise from a very aggressive player, i might be behind, i might be in a coinlfip, his flop bet is weak so i call, but then when i bet MORE THAN HALF his stack on the turn he should have seriously got out instead his hits his 7 outer on the river to beat me to the pot. Game #3530387203: Hold'em NL ($0.50/$1) - 2007/03/19 - 20:02:59 (EST) Table "Henry" Seat 6 is the button. Seat 1: Himi99 ($60.63 in chips) Seat 2: tiltmepls ($86.50 in chips) Seat 3: ronnik sits out Seat 4: M_Man79th ($100 in chips) Seat 5: ttomtom ($244.76 in chips) Seat 6: Ondariver ($23.64 in chips) Himi99: posts small blind $0.50 tiltmepls: posts big blind $1 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to M_Man79th [As Jc] M_Man79th: raises to $4 ttomtom: folds Ondariver: folds Himi99: raises to $7 tiltmepls: folds M_Man79th: calls $3 ----- FLOP ----- [Th 7s 8s] Himi99: bets $6 M_Man79th: calls $6 ----- TURN ----- [Th 7s 8s][Jh] Himi99: checks M_Man79th: bets $25 Himi99: calls $25 ----- RIVER ----- [Th 7s 8s Jh][Kd] Himi99: bets $22.63 and is all-in M_Man79th: calls $22.63 ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Himi99: shows [Ah Kh] (A Pair of Kings, Ace high) M_Man79th: shows [As Jc] (A Pair of Jacks, Ace high) Himi99 collected $119.26 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot $122.26 Main pot $119.26 Rake $3 Board [Th 7s 8s Jh Kd] Seat 1: Himi99 (small blind) showed [Ah Kh] and won ($119.26) with A Pair of Kings, Ace high Seat 2: tiltmepls (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: M_Man79th showed [As Jc] and lost with A Pair of Jacks, Ace high Seat 5: ttomtom folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: Ondariver (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) ****HAND ENDS****

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Re: GBU: The Swings of Short Handed Games Wooohoooo - didn't think I'd managed to convince anyone else to do a Good, Bad, Ugly Post - nice one Master :ok Good: Not overkeen on your 4x BB raise (that's coming from my Full Table perspective - don't know for short handed!!) Also not convinced you have the implied odds for when you hit trips :unsure It's costing you $8 and you're about 8-1 to hit trips - so you need to AVERAGE about $48 more profit ($64 minus $16 already in the pot) from him in order for this to be a Break even play - when you hit trips, what percentage of the time do you think you'll get his entire stack in? From a tight player it wouldn't be that often I presume :unsure There will of course be occasions too when you hit trips and lose (also when you don't hit trips and win). Coming back to the comments of yours in another thread - if you miss trips and there are overcards, it sounds like you usually spend money to find out where you are ...... He "only" had $84 left in his stack ..... I think it's a bit of a stretch to say the implied odds are there :unsure However nice pot :ok The Bad: Very difficult to get away from his trips there ..... however I'm pretty worried about a better Ace - not liking my kicker at all (You can see why I dont play short handed :loon) The pot sized bet on the flop I dont mind too much, to find out where you are .... in the absense of other information, the flat call tells you!!! As you say, you know you're in trouble by the turn, but you're pretty committed by then!! It's a big pot and your bet is "only" pot sized ... better the error of over aggression than the error of passifism (over time)!!! Your only other option really is check fold, which is very weak!!! What have you learnt from the hand? How would you play it next time? :unsure Your aggression made the pot very big pre and post flop - maybe a little more passive early with a weak ace? (That's my full table talk again ;-) ) Failing that - not sure what you could do differently :unsure Once the pot is so big, it's difficult to back away from :unsure The Ugly: He's drawing to a Royal Flush - can you lay that down? :loon If I'm him, I probably figure my outs are any Ace, Any King, any Queen and any Heart - I'm counting 18 outs .... in the event he's 37.5%, you're 62.5% .... not sure I'd argue too strongly with his call :unsure

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Re: GBU: The Swings of Short Handed Games re: ugly oops, yeah i didnt realise he had the nut flush draw and tbh i didnt even notice when the cards came out. however, in his position i would have raised in rather than flat called, however regardless of his draws, i would never have made the call for more than half my stack or all in on ONLY a draw. re: bad its VERY rare anyone would limp with a better ace, i'm not saying it does happen, but its gonna be less often than facing AA. next time i would half pot bet of the flop and turn, folded to any raise, and would not have bet on the river, calling only up to half the pot. re: good the player was TAAAG as you can see from his flop bet, and i had this into consideration when calling the re-raise, its the first occasion i've called a re-raise with mid pair that i can remember since the beginning of the month. vs that particular player, with set vs overpair especially when shorthanded, i'd expect all the chips in every time.

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