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Flopped the Nuts - Your Next Move


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I played a live game last weekend and there's one hand that I keeping thinking about and wondering if I played it correctly, so I'd appreciate your thoughts. I'm on the button with a decent chip stack (about 12K) and the blinds are 200-400. Also I've just moved to a new table so have little information on my opponents. I'm dealt A6 clubs and there are 3 limpers in front of me. I'm happy to limp here because it's only a great hand if clubs come down on the flop, so I limp the SB folds and the BB checks. The flop comes down Q53 all clubs. 1st player - checks 2nd player - checks 3rd player - bets 1K 4th player - folds me - ???? Do I slow play this and hope to keep the 1st and 2nd player in the pot, or, raise this up hoping that someone goes with me? Put it another way, do I allow people to have cheap cards and face the possibility of them getting lucky, or do I make them pay if they wish to chase the full house/quads/whatever they're chasing?

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Re: Flopped the Nuts - Your Next Move Flat call for me there. You have a good hand, it may get beaten if there are a few in the pot, but you need to build a sizable pot with those cards imo. Too early to scare anyone away just yet. If it comes back to bite you later... that's why they call it gambling. I'd wait to make a move though. See if anyone else is going to join in and then blow them out the water.

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Re: Flopped the Nuts - Your Next Move I agree George. I think a flat call and wait and see. You want him to bet out next street and wouln't mind another caller to fatten the pot. If you re-raise, unless he has trips or the made flush, you have lost him and scared off the others as customers. Flat call and the pot would then be 4K on the turn, if no other callers. You still have 12,600 left. If the board doesn't pair on the turn a raise/re-raise then.

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Re: Flopped the Nuts - Your Next Move Thanks for your thoughts. I actually miss-played this and raised. As soon as I had done so I knew it was wrong for 2 reasons. One, I had the nuts and could only be beaten by a FH or quads (at the time I also was worried by the 5&3 of clubs making a straight flush - but in the cold light of day I saw that they would need either my A or 6 of clubs to complete it, Doh!) The second mistake was the size of my raise, I made it 5000 to go. Far too much to tempt some into calling or going over the top. I think I thought at the time that it might look an over bet to take the pot down, hoping that someone would reraise all in. I was fortuante however in that the initial raiser did indeed call. We both checked the turn (7h) and a king (diamonds) on the river saw him betting out. I put him all in and got called. He showed AK. The king was a club but with only 3 on the board all he had was TPTK.

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Re: Flopped the Nuts - Your Next Move Not really cos his A6 clubs still beat the K (unless I misunderstood you Scully) If you'd have played that hand against me I would have put you on TP A kicker or maybe 2pr/trips who wants to take the pot on the flop. Min raise would have screamed flush and flat calling would have hinted to the other that maybe you had A clubs and he may have played the turn trying to get more chips out of you.

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Re: Flopped the Nuts - Your Next Move

got lucky then :)
Yes - to get paid off.
Min raise would have screamed flush and flat calling would have hinted to the other that maybe you had A clubs and he may have played the turn trying to get more chips out of you.
That's kind of what I was thinking thus making a large bet to appear like I wanted to take the pot down there and then in the hope that someone went with me. To me that sized bet into that flop would also have screamed AA. Anyone holding a flush (flush draw) would be tempted:hope I also put a lot of value in not showing my cards when I win a pot. I was new to this table and therefore would have been happy to take down pots without showing my cards. You are often only able to interpret reads on people once you've seen the cards they play with.
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