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Betfair Cheltenham promo - 10K added


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Re: Betfair Cheltenham promo - 10K added Out in 230th - not much in the way of cards and getting relatively short stacked - so as BB having 4 to flush after fairly crummy flop (3 Players including me and SB - 600 in pot) I took a shot and raised the bullying (tournement leader) player in SB's 600 to all in (another 1000) - player to the left of me calls with his hidden QQ as does SB ... SB has 4 to flush as well (his two spades being smaller than mine) but no spade comes in and QQ holds it. Probably should have folded to the 600 - and waited another round before getting aggressive, but felt it was time to make a stand against the bluffer to my right - if it hadn't been for the QQ to left of me I would have taken it. Ah well - good luck to those left in. :ok

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Re: Betfair Cheltenham promo - 10K added Out in 41st for $75, should have done better. Folded QQ pre-flop during the never ending bubble period. Was out of postion with a raiser in early. Reraising would have meant an all-in job and a possible bubble. Shame I never had enough chips to take it on. Cracking tourney though. Goodluck Mr V and Moface.

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