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your thoughts please


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as a few of know my son mini-me plays a lot on virgin and pokersatellites,, tonight he won $9.70 on virgin $50 freeroll, his personal best:ok finishing 2nd and lost the h/u to a coin flip now i am very proud of my son but is it morally right or wrong for such a young lad to be playing poker? as a kid i played cards a lot as we didnt have such things as playstations,televisions in our bedrooms etc etc and personally as long i do my best at teaching him this is a fun game i dont foresee a problem in the future.. but there is always that nagging doubt in my head that he may have problems later on when he is old enough to play in a casino etc. now i know that no-one has the answers and all i`m asking for is some honest opinions. his age?? will i get into trouble if i post it? put it this way he has an old mans head on a young man`s shoulders

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Re: your thoughts please

as a few of know my son mini-me plays a lot on virgin and pokersatellites,, tonight he won $9.70 on virgin $50 freeroll, his personal best:ok finishing 2nd and lost the h/u to a coin flip now i am very proud of my son but is it morally right or wrong for such a young lad to be playing poker? as a kid i played cards a lot as we didnt have such things as playstations,televisions in our bedrooms etc etc and personally as long i do my best at teaching him this is a fun game i dont foresee a problem in the future.. but there is always that nagging doubt in my head that he may have problems later on when he is old enough to play in a casino etc. now i know that no-one has the answers and all i`m asking for is some honest opinions. his age?? will i get into trouble if i post it? put it this way he has an old mans head on a young man`s shoulders
dont know the morals of it mate.....but bloody well done Connor!!!!:ok
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Re: your thoughts please I honestly don't have a problem with children under the legal age playing tournament poker because I don't think its gambling in its truest sense, butI think if either of my two were interested I would restrict them to freerolls and allow them to build up a bit of pocket money that way. I know that kids doing things underage is frowned upon but I would say that supervised exposure to this kind of gambling should be okay, partly because I see it more as a competition rather than gambling.

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Re: your thoughts please

now i am very proud of my son but is it morally right or wrong for such a young lad to be playing poker? ........ but there is always that nagging doubt in my head that he may have problems later on when he is old enough to play in a casino etc.
Al - the fact that you ask yourself these questions seems to me to indicate that you take great care in the values you are imparting to your son. In that case I can see no reason why it should be a problem.
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Re: your thoughts please I taught my boys poker for the very reason that they were getting interested in gambling due to their stepfathers influence. I showed them that gambling is a mug's game and poker is a game of skill where the more skillful player will consistently win. This kind of lesson taught at an early age should, I hope, discourage them from gambling.

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Re: your thoughts please I routinely have kids in school asking me to teach them to play (or to play better in many cases, as they already know the basics.) ***This line left blank for readers to roll around laughing at the thought of me teaching anyone to play better. *** I have to tell them I can't, as parents may frown on it, but personally I think the 'dangers' of tournament poker are very small compared to most other forms of gambling. I'd agree with MrV that freerolls are probably sensible, and obviously you're keeping an eye on him so you'll be in a position to know what he's doing - very good parenting IMO :ok Also, as a maths teacher, anything which gets kids thinking about making calculations quickly in their heads is to be encoraged!! :)

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Re: your thoughts please Each time we have a home game my son plays a few hands with people (not for cash) at the start before going off to bed and leaving the adults to it. He loves the fact that a) he wins because they let him, and b) that's he is allowed to stay up late and play with the adults. At the age of seven he knows the rules but can't 'play' the game properly (only folds when advised, calls with anything, etc). Like you I worried about him learning this, but it is normal for your kids to be interested in what their parents enjoy doing. So long as they do it in a safe, controlled environment (i.e. under your supervision) I see no harm in it. It's much better they experience it under your supervision than without your supervision/knowledge.

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