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What would you do here?


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A $5 STT on Mansion, comfortably in 2nd place, and the following hand arrives: Seat 2 is the button Total number of players: 5 Seat 1: Seat 2: lyndz25(375.00) Seat 3: mathokas(1,170.00) Seat 4: happyhornet(4,610.00) Seat 5: bootsie928(1,160.00) Seat 6: Seat 7: robinthepitt(6,185.00) Seat 8: Seat 9: Current Number of Players: 5 robinthepitt start position: 6,185.00 bootsie928 start position: 1,160.00 happyhornet start position: 4,610.00 mathokas start position: 1,170.00 lyndz25 start position: 375.00 lyndz25 posts ante (10) mathokas posts ante (10) happyhornet posts ante (10) bootsie928 posts ante (10) robinthepitt posts ante (10) mathokas posts small blind (100) happyhornet posts big blind (200) happyhornet is dealt down [Kh As] bootsie928 folds robinthepitt calls (200) lyndz25 folds mathokas calls (200) happyhornet raises to (800) robinthepitt raises to (2650) mathokas folds I don't think (though tell me if you disagree) I did anything wrong with the raise. The table had become a little cautious, and my raise MAY have been seen as a steal, but my play up to this point had, on the whole, been fairly tight. Should I: a) Fold. Robin may have been slowplaying AA or KK, and I'll still have 3 times as many chips as the 3rd placed player b) Call. Never entered my mind, but is it an option? c) Re-raise all-in. Robin would surely only risk calling if he did have AA/KK. If he was trying to steal, he'll fold. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Re: What would you do here? I'd fold too. Unless you have a read on Robin the size of his raise makes it very difficult with AK to call it. If you did put him on a bluff and re-raised all in I would expect him to call with more than just AA/KK. Anything down to 10,10 for me would be enough to call the re-raise. If you beat him he is still in second place - I assume that the top 3 pay so from that position he still has enough chips to get into the money.

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Re: What would you do here? Tough to do, but with 3 short stacks you should probably fold and look to tangle with the short stacks instead .... very specific to STT payout structure though ...... in an MTT I almost certainly reraise all in (even if this is the final table, because of the steeper pay structure - I'm in MTTs to win them - STTs are more about making the money)......

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Re: What would you do here? aces yes KK QQ call and if no Ace then shove Damo

Cheers guys!!:ok . You are, of course, correct. I should have folded.:$ I went all in, and he turned over AQo (mad move on his part IMO) He hits a Q on the flop, and I'm out:sad . Would anyone have re-raised if they held AA/KK/QQ?
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