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Aspers Friday 23rd £20+2 freezeout


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Re: Aspers Friday 23rd £20+2 freezeout Quick point of note: Get there in good time. The Friday night tournament has been selling out the past couple of weeks around 15 minutes before the start and there's usually a queue out of the card room by 7:00. The earlier you register, the better. Also, I'm working. :( EDIT: You can join on the night. Just give yourself a bit more time and bring some ID with you.

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Re: Aspers Friday 23rd £20+2 freezeout

Quick point of note: Get there in good time. The Friday night tournament has been selling out the past couple of weeks around 15 minutes before the start and there's usually a queue out of the card room by 7:00. The earlier you register, the better. Also, I'm working. :( EDIT: You can join on the night. Just give yourself a bit more time and bring some ID with you.
Thanks for that:ok Will need to check but hopefully should be able to make this:cow
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Re: Aspers Friday 23rd £20+2 freezeout

Like falling into a bin bag maybe? ;)
:rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin :rollin or maybe he,ll lose is liver again :loon :loon :loon :loon
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Re: Aspers Friday 23rd £20+2 freezeout Unfortunately I can't make it tonight. Have text morls and told him that Milber (my brother) and I are definately going to have a look up in a couple of weeks. That will be Friday March 9th if anyone else is interested, Morls thinks he should be ok, so a couple of weeks notice if any other northerners are interested.:ok

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Re: Aspers Friday 23rd £20+2 freezeout Just got home from the poker after meeting Tax Monkey again, another good nights play, TM went just after the break when he pushed as short stack, and i did the same on the 2nd break to finish 31st £20+2 buy in 184 Played 9 paid.....winner took home £1340 which to me is a bit harsh having only 5% of the field paid out Ill be there in a few weeks again if anyone wants to come along

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