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Cash Game Best Hand Thread - Sunday 18th February


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post the best hand you've had on the cash tables today here, you can include limits and stacks if you want, or just the cards and bets if you'd rather keep your names or stacks a secret. along with the hand i think it would be a good idea to post your thinking as you played it that way others might learn from your insight.

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Re: Cash Game Best Hand Thread - Sunday 18th February Prima Poker skin No Limit Holdem Ring game Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 5 players Converter Stack sizes: UTG: $11.03 CO: $13.19 Button: $9.35 SB: $5.20 Hajlender: $10.77 Pre-flop: (5 players) Hajlender is BB with: 3c, 4c UTG folds, CO calls, Button folds, SB calls, Hajlender checks. Flop: 5h, 2s, 6h ($0.3, 3 players) SB checks, Hajlender bets $0.3, CO calls, SB raises all-in $5.15, Hajlender raises to $10, CO folds. Uncalled bets: $4.85 returned to Hajlender. Turn: Jc ($10.9, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $10.9) River: 4s ($10.9, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: $10.9) Results: Final pot: Won $10.9

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