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The PL Daily Cash Game Best Hand Thread


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post the best hand you've had on the cash tables here, you can include limits and stacks if you want, or just the cards and bets if you'd rather keep your names or stacks a secret. along with the hand i think it would be a good idea to post your thinking as you played it that way others might learn from your insight. i'll go first, poor play from my opponent results in me nailing him on the river. Game #3163986563: Hold'em NL ($0.15/$0.25) - 2007/02/17 - 07:42:41 (DST) Table "Fremantle" Seat 2 is the button. Seat 1: juzq1 ($24.50 in chips) Seat 2: askham ($23.25 in chips) Seat 3: Markd3012 ($28.98 in chips) Seat 4: M_Man79th ($49.37 in chips) Seat 5: Vince36 ($14.15 in chips) Seat 6: juhkih ($23.40 in chips) Markd3012: posts small blind $0.15 M_Man79th: posts big blind $0.25 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to M_Man79th [2c 5h] Vince36: folds juhkih: folds juzq1: folds askham: folds Markd3012: calls $0.10 M_Man79th: checks ----- FLOP ----- [3d 2d 5d] Markd3012: bets $1 M_Man79th: calls $1 ----- TURN ----- [3d 2d 5d][Qd] Markd3012: bets $0.75 M_Man79th: calls $0.75 ----- RIVER ----- [3d 2d 5d Qd][2s] Markd3012: bets $1 M_Man79th: raises to $47.37 and is all-in Markd3012: is all-in $25.98 Returned uncalled bets $20.39 to M_Man79th ----- SHOW DOWN ----- M_Man79th: shows [2c 5h] (A Full House, Twos full of Fives) Markd3012: shows [Ad 9d] (A Flush, Ace high) M_Man79th collected $55.11 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot $57.96 Main pot $55.11 Rake $2.85 Board [3d 2d 5d Qd 2s] Seat 1: juzq1 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 2: askham (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 3: Markd3012 (small blind) showed [Ad 9d] and lost with A Flush, Ace high Seat 4: M_Man79th (big blind) showed [2c 5h] and won ($55.11) with A Full House, Twos full of Fives Seat 5: Vince36 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: juhkih folded before Flop (didn't bet) after flopping 2 pair on a flushed board in position and afcing a double pot bet from the sb i have to assume i'm acing an actual hand. but what hand? from the bet i'd say he's looking to protect against the flush draw. so i can ssume he has top pair and know from this that i'm ahead so i call. on the turn the flush drops and he ebts smaller, one of 2 things, he thinks his flush is busted, or he was betting as a pot sweetener for his big diamond, but he gives me more than enough pot and implied odds, 0.75 into 3.25. on getting my 4 outs. the river. my dream card hits, i'm losing only to a bigger 2 pair or a set , but his play never said that, so i can raise his ebt all in hoping he has the big diamond and will call. and he does. :)

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